Chapter 2: Sleepover

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Izuna Pov

"Hey Tobi! Sorry about my brother.." I said concered for my friend, He replied with a nod and patted me on the shoulder. We then started talking about the next meeting, I was so focused that I didn't notice my Aniki walking towards us. "Hey Izuna! And hello to you to senju.." He said with a smile and an annoyed look, Tobirama just gave him a poker face. I was suprised when Aniki just sweetly smiled, I got up and dragged him to an alley way. "Drop The Act nii-san!" I said glaring at him, He then smiled again and gave me an invitation to a sleepover and walked away.

Very odd of him...

I then read the invitation, Oh! It was a sleepover at the senju house! Not bad of an idea, I guess Nii-Sans coming. Well I guess me and Tobi can finally talk about personal things!

>Time Skip<

I knocked at the shoji door with glee, I side glanced to see my Aniki holding a rather suspecious bottle, After the door opened we went to the living room and sat down at the nice fort made of pillows.

      "Not Bad, For an assassination..."

  "Excuse Me? Nii-San Are you planning         something?"

    "Hm..? What do you mean? I'm Not     planning anything!"

I looked at him and he just smiled and started a conversation with Hashirama, I feel like this is not gonna be a good night, What is he planning? My thoughts were interupted when Tobi spoke. "Izuna-San, Wanna make snacks? ", I was about to nod when Nii-San said, "I'll Help!" With a gentle smile. I just shook my head and crossed my arms, This was to much! Does he really think playing nice will help him get away with his games? Of course not!

But to my displeasure Tobi agreed and they went to the kitchen, Feeling worry and strest hitting me like a brick.

Five minutes later the two came back and everything seemed fine, Thank goodness!

>Madara Pov<
I grabbed the bottle of poison hoping to end that bastards life, But, Something stopped me, I didnt know why or what but i felt like stopping and just forgetting my anger. Guilt Showered me and I stopped my self, What was I thinking? If I kill him all Ill get is glares from Mito, Silence from Izuna And Depression from Hashirama! I got up, Grabbed my things and headed out the door, Before Hashirama could question i shut the door and walked away.

I went home and sat at the genkan taking my shoes off, But...Why? Why did  I refuse to kill the person who made me boil up! Was I going crazy? Was I Feeling Guilty? Was I Feeling Sorry? Regret? Ugh..! I Hate You So Much You Bastard! Us I was having an emotional break down i was a unfamilier girl sat next to me, "Hello My Child, Whats bothering you?" She asked then patted my head. I frowned and glared at her feeling my blood boil, Child? Child? Me? A Child? A 26 Year old man, a child? I was about to break her skull, then she gave me a scroll, "Here, Hokage-Sama asked me to give this to you. Sorry if i was being weird i just tried to help" She said and stood up. After she left i just took off my remaining shoe and put the scroll on the kitchen table, I then went to my room and laid on the bed to think.
Before i could even get one thought about my emotions I heard the shoji door slide open and someone coming up the stairs, I got up just before the door opened and Izuna looked at me questionaly. "Aniki You okay? You were acting weird.." Izuna questioned and i just looked at him blankly, I slowly laid back on my bed and turned to the wall.

I didnt have the energy to lie, makean excuse or tell the truth.

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