Chapter 2

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"It's been three years Donavan"
the weary woman spoke earnestly in italian to her son. She had hardly managed to barged inside his office, dodging the secretary outside who was specifically told to keep his mother outside. The way he had been avoiding his incessant mother had become irritating even for her. But this time, she was adamant.

Her warm, time worn hand rested on his knee as he hid his face behind palms, sighing, unable to handle the annoyance this conversation brought him every time.

"And that changes nothing" his muffled voice reverberated through the creaks of his fingers. He hadn't slept, for how long he forgot, but his head reminded him of the deprivation with the pain, just behind his forehead.

"It changes everything son" her unusually soft voice spoke, worried for the Frantino line that seemed to be in danger with a lack of heir.

"Look at me" Her weary hands removed his palms away from his eyes, looking in the reddish whiteness bearing the green orbs.

"You like her don't you?"
"Just because I fuck her doesn't mean-"
"Is that the kind of language we're using now?"
"Jesus what do you want me to say?" His irritation evidently seeped.
"You know her, we all know her, you've been together for a while"
"Not outside bedroom" he added.
"Doesn't matter. And she's Italian, she'll never betray our family like that who-" she stopped her sentence when she noticed the tick in his jaw. This wasn't the time to test his patience she realised.
"She's loyal with promising assets. You've already put the ring through her finger, its time to tie the knot altogether"
His head rested back on the sofa. Looking at the white ceiling, plain in texture, devoid of excitement, just like his interests in his supposed fiancé.

Now that he finally gave it a thought, his mother's words seemed wise. There was no point in staying in denial. The more h1e would wait for everything to magically fix itself, stronger would his rivals become. It was time to grow his family and assert the dominance.

"Okay" he whispered.
"Okay?" His mother's voice came shocked, not believing her own ears.
She stood in a second. An undeniably bright smiling adoring her face.
"Next month it is then! I'll spread the news. Oh dear, you've no idea how much this means to me"

She gave a well deserved hug to her uninterested son. He didn't move.

"If you've got what you wanted, I have interviews to take"

As much as his terseness was disheartening, his mother didn't mind. He had bent for her wishes and that was more than enough. She hurriedly left through the glass door, a bright smile playing on her weary features, excited to break the news to the family and media.

Another knock echoed in the office. Donavan sighed. Knowing who it was he got up from the sofa and made himself seated behind his table, ordering a quick "come in".

He didn't look at the man when he entered, keeping his file on the desk, standing tall in front of him.

"You must be Enzo Fiore. Take a seat"

The man gracefully took the chair and sat in front of his probable future boss. Donavan skimmed through his file, finding several things to be impressed by. Although the glass of his cabin was made partially transperant, he could clearly see a line of candidates interested in working for Frantino cooperation.

"Do you know why you were taken in first?" Don shooted his question, slightly yet distracted by the headache, looking through the professional experiences of the man in front.

"There are two reasons sir"
And for the first time, Donavan's gaze moved from the file to the man's eyes. He keenly watched as the lean, tall, and strangely sharp man fluently spoke,
"I am a man. You can't afford another woman as your personal assistant, they get too attached to be focused on real work."
Donavan couldn't but snort at the statement. It was precisely why he had fired his previous PA. She had started taking their sexual adventures for more than what they were. When all that Donavan did was take advantage of her attraction and his uncontrollable lust, she had started thinking of herself special. And for that he had to show her her place, out of his life.

"And you want an Italian to be your closest. You can't take another outsider in to ruin your reputation."
The lingering smile on Donavan's features evaporated, his face hardened.

"Well, you seem to know more than what I thought you would" Although harmless words were spit, Donavan was intrigued to the least.

"Precisely Mr. Frantino. If I were to be your personal assistant should I not be aware about your personal life?"

Enzo's professional stance sharply contrasted with where he intended to take this conversation. Frantino corporation was one of the most promising industry in the world. He was lucky to earn the seat in front of the man himself. He had spent weeks if not months to glean every bit of information about Mr. Donavan Frantino to earn his trust. He already had an advantage of being Italian, now all he had to do, was prove his worth.

"What do you know about my personal life Enzo?"
Donavan tried to feign nonchalance but Enzo knew it was anything but. It was a sign that don was interested in hiring someone who'd go out of their way to get Don's job done.

"I believe I know enough Mr. Frantino. I am aware of a particular woman hiding in the corner of the world for whom you've turned the world upside down. I am well informed that unlike the rumors, you did not kill your wife, she's very much alive, and have been on your gun point for past three years"

Donavan's fingers intertwined on the desk, listening carefully to the man who had done his research,

"What do you bring to the table Enzo?" Donavan asked, his gaze concentrated, his eyes sharp,

"Her address Mr. Frantino" Enzo replied with the equal earnestness.

"You're hired"

Author's note: sorry for late update. I was sick as fuck. happy reading.

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