W.M.A - 1

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Odell Beckham Jr. and Robyn Rihanna Fenty

They first met in college, bumped into each other at a coffee shop out of campus grounds. Odell spilt coffee on Robyn's shoes, a little bit on her pants - from the top side down to the leg opening. He apologized to her by buying her coffee, they had coffee together, talked about school stuff and joked around.

Robyn found him really attractive. Odell thought she was beautiful. he was already seeing the girl of his dreams - so he thought - he had really pulled his finger nails out just to get her and he wasn't planning on destroying what little journey they had started in their relationship. He wasn't looking at Robyn anymore than her being a girl he had spilt his coffee on and to quench the guilt in his heart decided to buy her coffee and make small talk.

They had their coffee and went their separate ways, not exchanging numbers. She didn't even get to know the name of the guy she knew God had definitely taken his time to create. The only reason he knew her name was when he wanted to give the worker a name to put on her cup. They'd pass each other on campus a few times, Robyn would spot him out, he never saw her again except once at a football game, he thought nothing about it looking away - maybe she came from her school to watch the game. He never knew they went to the same college cause they talked about it from different views, they had passed through different experiences in college that made him believe they couldn't have been going to the same one.

They talked a lot about their college experience on their little not so coffee date mishap. She was an aspiring surgeon and he was in the entertainment field, en route to getting a degree in entertainment for business management. Obviously the way they both saw life as college students of the same college should have been different.

She always caught herself starring a bit too long at him. Once she caught him arguing with his girlfriend at a football game, she was surprised he wasn't among the players that night. She started coming to football games just to watch him play - she preferred soccer, she wasn't disappointed this time around cause she still saw him either ways maybe she had unintentionally grown to fund of the game. This was the same football game he had spotted her at but at the beginning when Robyn was trying to spot him on the field. She finally saw him sitting on the bleachers like the rest who weren't playing but she didn't notice his girlfriend beside him not until the argument.

She wasn't sitting close to him at all, but once again she couldn't help herself from starring at him, from afar you couldn't tell if they were arguing or casually talking amongst each other. Robyn had unknowingly been studying Odell, his his facial expressions, his regular walkway to each of his classes. She saw the change in his normal facial expression and knew he was angry. He would turn to reply to his girlfriend while they argued not wanting to draw any attention to themselves.

It wasn't until he stood up and made his way down the bleachers with an angry expression, tears streaming down his girlfriends face uncontrollably. It confirmed her theory that they were indeed arguing. He never used body language to show his emotion they were always always written on his face. He never hid his facial expression at-least then people would know not to approach him.

As he went down the bleachers he looked her way but didn't look at her she gave him an open tooth smile. When he didn't return it, she looked around to see if any of her friends had noticed it. The burn she felt behind her eyes were unbearable, she tried to blink them away. Swallowing harshly maybe she could swallow how embarrassed she felt at that moment. Unbeknownst to her he hadn't seen her again he was just observing his surrounding just like her to see if anyone had seen. Lucky for one of the three parties everyone's attention wasn't on her including her friends, it was on the star athlete and his girlfriend not even on the football game. Once again he had been the main topic of everyone's conversations.

Robyn couldn't seem to control her emotions right now, ever since meeting Odell her freshman year of college. She had lost all control of her emotions when it came to him, she used to be in control of her emotions and her body reactions before him. She didn't get why she was crying just because he hadn't acknowledged her. She looked back at his girlfriend seeing she was also finding it difficult to keep her tears at bay. Was this how she felt when he walked out on their conversation? Looking at her Robyn felt so angry, she was crying both sad and angry tears. This wasn't the first time looking at her made Robyn angry, she could not count on her fingers the amount of times she had seen the girl and became angry. Her brain had got to be programmed that way cause it was an automatic response to seeing his girlfriend most especially when they did anything intimate in public.

She soon realized she couldn't spot him around anymore, she stood up abruptly about to follow where she had seen him walk through. It looked like she was being controlled by a spirit. She felt a pull on her arm as she was about to walk further turning around to glare at the person. She dropped her glare when she saw the concerned look on her friends face.

"Rih where you going, the game isn't- wait...are you crying?" Melissa observed her friends appearance and also the fact she didn't make any effort to clean her tears that kept pouring. She could've sworn Robyn was just happy few minutes ago. She was always happy during football games, she was the only reason Melissa came to this stupid games. Watching grown guys fight over a ball just to gain possession of it a toss it on the grass.

Still looking at the path she saw him last, Robyn's, heart was beating faster. Her tears were dripping down faster which she could still not understand why. She just had to follow him, trying to tear her arm away from Melissa's tight hold turning around to look at her when she couldn't. She thought of the easiest lie, the first lie that popped in her head she would let it spill even if Melissa didn't believe her.

"I wanna go get more snacks I'll be back." Robyn finally got her arm out walking towards his last seen direction without a care.

Melissa still in shock from her friends actions and how easy it took her to lie also how lame the lie sounded. She had to take a break to digest the nonsense she had witnessed. Why Robyn was going in search of snacks with obviously uncontrollable tears? Following Robyn's footsteps, she was marveled by how many times she had been shocked within a couple minutes because what she saw next was very a very disturbing scene.

Robyn stood outside crying hysterically when Odell was nowhere to be found, mascara sliding down her cheeks. Hyperventilating, on the brink of a panic attack, pulling on a strand of her hair as she sobbed uncontrollably. She felt like she must have been glued to the floor cause her feet weren't making any effort to move and go back inside. She watched as people stopped in the parking lot to look at her breakdown. She couldn't understand why she was having a mental breakdown after Odell and his girlfriends - she clearly despised - argument. She had seen them have sex and even then she didn't shed a single tear. Why was this any different?

Maybe it was the fact Odell and his girlfriend where close to a breakup, that wasn't their first breakup she had seen but their first public one, and she knew she wasn't gonna be the next girl he would be in a relationship with or the fact that even after his almost breakup with her he still didn't notice her and she was there. Thinking about all that made her sob more dropping to the ground and releasing a frustrated scream, folding into a ball pulling her knees to her chest burying her face in them. She felt pain all over her body especially in her heart and it was pain that was worse than any physical pain she had encountered.

That was the scene Melissa had came out to see. People were now around Robyn with their phones out videoing her having a mental breakdown. She thought of yelling at them to move at of her way as she made her way to her bestfriend but she thought against it. This was already embarrassing as is and would be everywhere by morning, extra attention wasn.t needed. She quietly made her way to Robyn pulling of her hoodie, picking her up using the hoodie to cover up her face and carrying her to their car. Why were a lot of people outside, weren't they here to watch the game?

Robyn was almost silent throughout the ride back to their apartment, few times when she'd abruptly start sobbing and mumbling to herself. Melissa was really concerned about her, She had gone through confusion, shock and anger within a couple minutes. The anger had always been there - she was at a football game after all, still.

That was the stupidest and most embarrassing thing Robyn had ever done in her life, Melissa was the Judge of that. 'Had' being the key word, she was about to tell Melissa more embarrassing things she had done for Odell Beckham Jr.

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