His Birthday Surprise

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Taehyung was eagerly waiting on the couch of your house for you to come home. He was normally excited to see you come home whenever he came earlier than you, yes, but he was even more excited today because of one reason. It was his birthday tomorrow. He was excited to celebrate it with you. It was his first birthday after you both started going out and so, it wasn't a lie to say that he had high expectations. When he heard the sound of keys and steps towards your door, he immediately recognised them as yours. He rushed towards the door and opened it before you could, beaming with happiness. You were surprised to see him all so hyped up and excited. Sure, he was sweet and loved you a lot, but his excitement today was on another level, and it was contagious, making you beam at him too. You closed the door and put your bags on the floor, engulfing him in a hug. You pulled him close and inhaled his scent, taking in his warmth, which contrasted your cold skin since it was snowing outside. You both stood like that for a few minutes before a low growl from your stomach interrupted the moment. You looked away, blushing while he laughed loudly. You glared at him while he laughed without any interruption and then gave in and laughed too. You both laughed like that until your stomach growled again and he stopped and told you to go get changed while he prepped something.


As you came down from the room you both shared, you sensed a delicious scent wafting from your kitchen and walked towards it, deciding that that was where he was at the moment. When you found him there, you smiled at him, watching him for a while before walking towards him and back-hugging him. He didn’t gasp or flinch at all, maybe he already knew that you were there. He kept frying the pancakes which he was making. You looked from beside his shoulder, still hugging him, and asked him, “What are you cooking?”, despite knowing what it was. It was just your way of starting the conversation when you were out of ideas. He kept mum for a while, frying the last pancake, after which he turned around and hugged you back, smiling fondly at you and booping your nose with his. “Do you not know soon to be Mrs. Kim? I never knew you didn’t know what these are? So silly.” he smirked. “Yaah! Kim Taehyung! How dare you call me silly?” you tried to glare at him, pouting when he laughed and touched your foreheads together. You failed to glare at him as he laughed, and you admired him. His laughs slowly subsided and he ended them with a sigh, slowly breathing.
"I love you, Jagi", he whispers, softly, the breath from his nose hitting your face. "And I love you too, my bear" you say, in reply to his confession. He smiles, "I know". "Good" you curtly reply, trying to keep away the blush from your cheeks. He gazes at you, slowly, refreshing his last memory of your face: the cheeks, the lips, the eyes, the eyebrows, the nose, and the moles which he found oh so adorable, he memorized them all again. He didn't care that he was caught staring like that. Hell, he was so lost that he even forgot what you both were supposed to do. He just wanted to stay like that. But you decided to break the moment. "So, I'm hungry and I assume you did not prepare this just for yourself and so I am gonna have some food" you said as you stopped leaning on him, bringing him out of his trance. You knew he wanted to stay a little longer like that but you decided not to do so. You sat on one side of your dining table while he served the pancakes with what you usually have. You both ate in silence, occasionally glancing at each other. He finished first while you still had a few to go. You wanted to stop eating and leave the rest but when you tried to do so, he gave you his puppy eyes and said, "Jagi, please finish them…. Are they not good enough?" You sighed and proceeded to eat what was left. Then he put the plates and other utensils in the dishwasher.


You were both in your living room, cuddling. He had his arms around your waist as he balanced you in his lap and you laid your head on his chest, listening to his heart beating in a rhythm. He was humming a song, on your request and you put both your arms around his torso and hugged him while he leaned against the couch in the living room. The moment felt very pleasant and mesmerizing, as you both calmly listened to the sounds around you and felt each other's love.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 10, 2022 ⏰

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