Chapter one

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I sat on the couch waiting for Calvin to show up. He was supposed to be here about an hour ago. We'd been going out for a while now and I loved him so much. I finally felt loved and happy. I heard a knock on the door and opened it. "Hey" I said shyly. He said nothing as he made his way over to me. He closed to door and closed the curtains. He struck me in the stomach. I felt like the wind was knocked out of me. I fell the the floor, gasping for air. "C-Calvin what the hell?" I gasped. "How dare you go out with Karlie after I told you not too" I recalled the day before he had warned me not to go out with Karlie but I didn't know why so I went anyway. "She needed me" I said and he kicked me as I lay on the floor "No you know what it is? You don't listen to a word anyone says. You disobey all the time. Your exes never knew how to deal with you but I do" he smirked at me and began to kick me harder. I started to cough and he kicked me once more before lifting me to my feet. "That'll teach you not to disobey" he kissed me roughly and went upstairs. "And cover those marks like I tell you to" I rushed into the bathroom, it was true Calvin sometimes hit me if he was angry but I never saw it as anything bad, why would he hurt me? He loves me. I covered the marks on my arms legs and face and went to get my phone. "Hey Tay it's Karlie. Can you come over today it's really important" I was about to say no when I heard Calvin upstairs already asleep and snoring loudly. "Yea I'll be there" I whispered and hurried out the door.

I hurried back into my apartment and closed the door softly, hoping he was still asleep. "Where were you?" He asked angrily "With Karlie" I stammered as he came over to me. "You just never learn do you" he picked me up with ease and went into the bedroom, locking the door behind him. He threw me on the bed and started to punch me. I whimpered but I didn't dare move, I knew what would happen if I did. He kicked me once and got on top of me "Now the fun part of your punishment" he laughed and tore my shirt off. He u unclipped my bra and threw it across the room. His other hand made its way down my leg, I flinched as she tore my shorts off and laced his hand on my underwear "Please" I whimpered and he stopped suddenly, getting up and stalking out the door. I sighed with relief. "Taylor it's for you" I heard Calvin yell for me from the living room. I hurried out after I'd put my clothes back on and covered my bruises. There stood Ed, my dear friend. "Hey Taylor" he smiled at me "I was wondering if you'd like to go out today?" I nodded quickly but turned to Calvin for permission. He nodded then whispered in my ear. "Don't do anything stupid. You'll regret it" I flinched and grabbed my purse, hurrying out the door with Ed. We went to a mall just to look around. "Hey Taylor?" He grabbed my arm suddenly and I flinched. "Is everything okay? With Calvin I mean, did he do something to you?" The way he said it, flat out and to the point made me wonder if I could tell him my secret. I nodded even though I wanted to tell him I knew I couldn't. "Everything's fine. He would never hurt me, he loves me" I said this to remind myself that he in fact loved me. Ed shook his head at me "Taylor don't play dumb with me. If something's going on I don't want you to feel like you have to be afraid. You can tell me" he moved a strand of hair away from my face and I flinched again and whimpered. His eyes went wide and he gently rubbed his thumb over the spot he had just touched, rubbing the makeup off. He took a step back, looking me over. "Taylor, look at you. Your in pain, he's abusive Taylor. He's abusive, he'll never love you" I shook my head "No Ed your wrong. He loves me, he just gets mad that's all. It's nothing" he cocked his head at me "How long?" "Huh?" He sighed "How long Taylor? How long has he hit you?" I looked away "Since we met" Ed grimaced and tears fell from my fluttering eyes. Ed walked me back home and I shuddered when I saw Calvin looking at me with a longing enraged look. I knew I'd forgotten one of his rules. "Don't worry, he won't hurt you" Ed whispered to me. Calvin looked me over and kissed me roughly I pulled away and he glared at me. He grabbed my arm forcefully, digging his nails into my skin, it was the only thing he could do while Ed was standing there. He tightened his grip until a scream escaped my lips. Ed took action, it may have been a minor thing but he was protective of me. Ed pulled me away from Calvin. Calvin pushed him to the ground and began beating me. At first it was just his fist or hand but he soon grabbed his belt from the table and began whipping me with it. Ed was on the floor holding his head, I grimaced in pain as the belt cracked against me. He tore my shirt from the back and folded the belt into a thick piece of leather. I screamed when the belt came down on my back. He kept beating me in the same place and I struggled to hold back my screams. "Taylor!!!" I heard Ed yell and he pushed Calvin off me, standing in front of me, protecting me. Calvin growled at Ed but he didn't back down. In one swift movement Calvin punched Ed to the floor and continued beating me. I cried out in pain and he pulled me to him, kissing me. He wrapped his arms firmly around my waist and started kissing me harder. I tried to get away but he wouldn't let me. Ed was up in a flash and pulled me away from Calvin, I couldn't stand to see what happened next: Calvin had Ed on the floor in pain, Ed's right arm was pinned to the floor while Calvin twisted his left. "Calvin, CALVIN! Stop!! Leave Ed alone, he's not a part of this, let him go. He won't interfere anymore I promise. Just leave him alone please! You can do whatever you want to me. Just don't hurt him" I pleaded with him and he finally let Ed up and made his way to me. Ed tried to stop him but my eyes pleaded with him to hold back. Calvin made me undress in front of Ed but instead of doing what I thought he was he grabbed his belt and hit my lower region with it. I screamed in pain as he did it a few more times. I cried out in pain and I glanced at Ed who I knew was trying so hard not to start a fight with Calvin who was much stronger then him. Calvin kicked me to the floor and beat me like he never has before. I didn't move, I couldn't. Even though he did this a burning love still flamed in me for him. "Please Calvin you know I love you" Calvin stopped and left the room, I sighed and couldn't move. Ed made his way to my side he was but a blur to me. "Don't worry Taylor your gonna be alright"

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⏰ Last updated: May 10, 2015 ⏰

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