Episode 8: Hunted

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The ship had just exited warp space and the new three person crew had made it to the planet Haxxorn. Vaughn sat in his pilot chair looking at the planet. "We there yet?" Asked shoyo as she entered the cockpit. Vaughn looked back to shoyo and nodded "it's a simple planet.. should give us a rest and maybe away from other hunters." Bot flew in, his one eye looking from shoyo to Vaughn. Bot then flying over the control panel and looking at Vaughn's helmet visor. "I've heard of this planet, villagers here are very friendly.. they have little technology to help them thrive. Otherwise, it's a good place to land and take rest." Bot explained. Vaughn nodded and grabbed ahold of the control to the ship. "You think they have heard the rumors about me?" Vaughn asked. Bot shook his eye, then focusing back to Vaughn "least likely, we are outer rim meaning information in main planetary solar systems only go so far."

Shoyo grabbed Vaughn's shoulder, just between where the armor meets the under armor. Also patting bot on the head while switching her eyes between the two "Good! Means we get some vacation time." Vaughn nodded and looked at the controls, spacing out for a moment. His stare just blank from the helmet. "You alright Vaughn?" Bot asked, just noticing this. "Yeah, just alittle exhausted.." Vaughn said as he move the middle control for the shop down, making the ship begin its descend into the planets atmosphere.

As the ship made its descent, all they could really see were the dust and steam of the clouds. It was like flying in smoke of a volcano, but the lava not yet ready to spew. Bot flown to a screen on the dash board and looked at a screen and reading off the data the ship had collected. "Looks like we are flying right through alittle bit of a rainy day." Vaughn looked to bot, then back to the clouds. Now seeing as rain began to fall into the ship. Each drop making impact on the glass of the ship.. all other rain drops making impact on the wings and body of the ship, like tiny little soft bullets with no effect. Eventually they gad made it under the clouds and could see a village in sight. The rain making the scenery of the upcoming village, sitting on a mountain even more beautiful. All the of green grassy terrain and the millions of trees shown. "Just like I remembered." Bot said looking out the windshield of the ship. Vaughn would then land the ship a few miles off the village, so then they wouldn't disturbed the people of the peaceful place.

Vaughn stood and looked at shoyo and bot. "Grab some stuff and let's go." His voice still in his disturbed sound. Shoyo watched as Vaughn walked out of the cockpit and off to his quarters. She followed and stopped at the door way. "Vaughn- you sure your alright?" Shoyo asks as she leaned on the doorway. The armored Hunter looked to shoyo as he had a hold of a little crate. "I'm fine shoyo, just having a bit of an off day." Shoyo felt as Vaughn was lying, and even alittle hurt doing so. But the feeling she never felt from him was different.. there was no rage or any feel of anger.. just a feeling of loss and sadness. She didn't want to bother Vaughn, so she had stood straight and walked off nodding. Vaughn stood for a moment, slowly looking at the crate. The little silver box was beaten and scratched from the crash landing of his last ship. The armored hunter picked it back up and began towards the exit of his quarters. Finding bot at the door already. "You said grab our things, I have no things." Bot said as one of the angles to his body went down as if it tried to make a little jealous/mad face.

"Sorry bot- we'll get you some stuff.." Vaughn said as he stood near the pad next to the door. Bot nodded with his eye and looked to shoyo as she dragged out a small box of things. "All ready." Shoyo said In excitement. Vaughn nodded and hit the panel to the door, causing it to open and lower the ramp. As it had done its thing, Vaughn and the rest went down the ramp- well- Bot just floating around and checking the place out. "Villagers must have expanded since I was last here." Bot says interested. Vaughn looked up at bot who was high up scanning around. Vaughn then slowly looked forward, and towards the trees.. getting a small feeling in his stomach and head.

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