Demon Slayer Story {Introduction + Breathing Styles!}

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Anshie Val[Me]





Rank:Tsuchinoto (5th)

Personality:Out-going, Friendly, Thoughtful, & Ambivert.


Backstory: When it was her birthday, [she had turned 7]

In the night a lower 12 kizuki had attacked her village.

Demon slayers had come into the town to help but her

Parents had met with the demon. They were badly injured

And she could not hold back her anger. She had enough strength to punch the demons nose off.

I know it may sound to much of An exaggeration but this

Is were she had learned about her strength which she had

Questioned about for going on until she was 15. She was told from her friends, and her father that the

Men should be the strong ones and do all the work.

Her mother wanted her father to stop telling lies but he

Never did. She was so scared about being different so

She kept it a secret until she met a guy named Hemi,

I'll do a video on him later. When she met hemi, he explained to her that she was special

And chosen to help other in need. Which for her, is what

She always wanted to do. Hemi had told her everything she

Wanted to know about her being special and the

Demon Slayer corps. He helped train her day and night.


Extra Info: ?


Kairi Otako[Friend'S OC]





Rank:Kanoe (4th)

Personality:Quiet, Thoughtful, Mysterious, & Ambivert.


Backstory: When she was about 8, her village started become more trashed as newer things came along in time. There was smoke, and no one ever were to help clean her village. And along with this, her family wasn't the best. If she were to make mistakes a very small one, her parents would disown/hurt her. Very rare to hurt her, But they would always be rude with there words. This caused her to be more quiet and always would think before acting. Only person who really cared for her, Was her brother who was about 4 years older then her. But one night when she woke up and went into the room over, She saw her whole family had been killed by demons. This was when she about 12. This traumatized her and she could do nothing about it. Because the rotting smell blended in with the smoke and gross trash in the village. No one believed her family was killed and no would even checked. As she grew, She got more quiet because others always thought she was werid. Especially with some scars on her.


Extra Info: ?


Hemi Sabo[Fan-Made OC]





Rank:Kanoto (3rd)

Personality:Quiet, Introvert, & Talkative.(Once you get to know him)


Backstory: When he was about 12-13 his parents left him at

His grandmothers house. They were very close but a week

Later she died. He went home on his own but he had

Found out his parents had completely left the house. And they weren't killed. No blood was anywhere

Or no scraps. They left and he never knew why. this

Made him homeless and had never had a real family A few years later, while he was out one night

[and he didn't know demons exitsed sorry i didn't point

That out] he was going through the forest thinking that

He'd get to the town over. A demon attacked him and he was unconscious. A few

Days later he woke up in the butterfly mansion.

He was taken in to rest but didn't understand what the

People in the building were wearing. He asked questions and they gave him answers.

He was in shock about this and couldn't believe that

Demons existed. He wanted to protect others and help them,

Just like Anshie. They told him about the demon slayer

Corps and he signed up. But before, the girls told him that he needed a master.

He went into his old village looking around and surprisingly

Found someone who would help him. His master used

Fire breathing but hemi developed wind later on as

He felt he couldn't adjust to it. When he did final selection he passed.

And about every year he's gone up a rank. He's

Currently a Kanoto which is the 3rd ranking.


Extra Info: ?


Unknown Name

Age: ?

Pronouns: ?

Breathing: ?

Forms: ?

Rank: ?

Personality: ?


Backstory: ? 


Extra Info: ?


Yoru[Friend's OC]





Rank:Tsuchinoto (5th)

Personality:Self-centered, Careless, Ambivert, & Reckless.


Backstory: ?


Extra Info: ?



Flown breathing: 5 forms. Requires strength, perfect timing, and strategy. If you do not use these steps you cannot use Flown breathing AT ALL. The forms are: 1-Break Down , 2-Blown Away 3-Mid Air Punch(must be in the air to use) 4-Scattered Winds, 5-Flown Dancing


Shine(ing) breathing: 4 forms. You need to have good hearing and good timing. One extra good thing is if you have good eyesight(not needed). The Forms are: 1-Sparked! , 2- Fined Shine , 3-SunLight(Very bright) 4-Shining Explosive(Also very bright)

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 11, 2022 ⏰

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