America Chavez

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Name: America Chavez

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Name: America Chavez

Age: 16

Powers: 5

Spouse: Kamala Khan

Kids: 0

Siblings: Jemma Realitydottir and May Realitydottir

Parents: Ameri-moms (Bio), Reality, Daisy

Title: Ms. America

Soulmate Song: Blinding Lights

Gender: Female

Sexual Orientation: Lesbian

Favourite Powers: Star portals

Ships: Amerikhan, Cosmic Quake, Shuriri, Soul fighters, Spideychelle, Sambucky, Lilang, Katling (Katy X Xialang), Scarlet Knight (Marc/Steven/Jake x Layla), FitzSimmons

Universe Homes: 20,001/ Utopian Parallel

Motto: I'm glad you fell into my heart Kam

Omniverse Name: RWM

Civil War Team: none but if could choose Team Kamala

Villains: Gargantuas, Defender Strange, (betrayed her for powers), anyone who is mean to Kamala (no one messes with Kamala or deal with everyone from every universe on their ass)

Personality: protective over Kamala, sassy, badass, adorable, scared of losing her family, self doubt, Kamala's other half, incredibly impulsive and stubborn like her dad

Home: Marsky way/Kamala's parents/living with Kamala (future)

Ex: None

Status: Couple

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