Part 2: Anxiety is fun.

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Key for Fill-In's:
Y/n - Your name || H/c - Hair color || F/c - Favorite color || D/c - Drink of your choice || S/c - Snack of your choice

2nd POV
The room was bare and dark, small metal cubicles lining the walls. Some were covered with musty curtains, over half of them were empty, though the rest held a bitty or two. A pile of cages like the Boss was in sat in the back corner of the room, most likely for transportation.

The nearest ones paid you no attention as you closed the door behind you, leaving the room in a cold darkness illuminated solely by your eyes, instead favoring to mope sadly in the corner of their prisons. A few even began growling at the sight of you.

You slowly pulled your hood off, looking around at the poor things in pity. How could someone force a creature into such a fate? Ones that could speak just like yourself, at that? It baffled you how heartless some people could be.

You cautiously stepped up to one of the meeker bitties, hoping to be able to grab them and simply hide them in your hoodie, but then you noticed it had a lock.

Of course it's locked, you scolded yourself, you think they'd just let them roam free after what you just saw?!

Shaking away the anger, you scanned the rest of the room, even quietly digging through the pile of cages. You groaned when you couldn't find anything.

Suddenly, you could hear the faint sound of metallic clanging, followed by quick shushing. You whipped around to catch whoever it was, hands put up defensively, but all you saw was a bitty skittering farther into their cage due to your eyes.

You wanted to check out the noise for yourself, before the door began rattling.

SHIT SHIT SHIT— in a spur of half-baked instinct, you dove behind the cages and shut your eyes, praying to whatever deity there was that they were enough to cover you, and the chaos outside would muffle your breathing.

A few moments passed.

You heard a key rattle and one of the cages open.

A cage was plucked from the pile protecting you, making your heart race faster than ever before, and you just kept hoping you wouldn't get caught.

Then, the door opened and closed, a faint clattering almost hidden underneath the sounds of betting just outside the room.

Hesitantly and weak with fear, you opened an eye to see if everything was clear.

Something silver glinted near the door, and you had to hold back a cheer. Whoever had just came in here, whether it be by accident or coincidence or somehow on damn purpose, just dropped your saving grace:


When you giddily half-crawled over to it, you faltered, but only slightly.

That's a lot of keys... No matter! you said to yourself, going over to the nearest cubicle and beginning to test out each of them, if there's even the slightest chance this works, I'll fucking take it!

Your gloves— jeez, you forget they exist sometimes —made it a little hard to flit through the keys, and it took a few seconds extra between each try.

Soon, though, one key finally turned, the metallic click filling your heart with a strange sense of hopeful apprehensiveness. Though, at the same time, you were extraordinarily scared. Would you even be able to sneak the bitty out? What if they didn't cooperate? Maybe you didn't think this through—

"Are ya gonna take me or what?" the bitty suddenly growled from the back of the cage, and you could see him shielding his eyes from yours— curse their brightness, you couldn't even control it.

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