Character List/Description

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A/N: This chapter has been changed to better fit the changes of TCP. Most of the original a/N has been reduced because... Too much jabbering.

This is just a silly little chapter about all of the "characters" in TCP currently. Maybe once I've reached a certain point in the book, I'll make a real one, but not now. Keep in mind, this is not a serious character list!




Rael Vandergarden (MC): Waking up in a strange garden, they find themselves in the body of Rael Vandergarden and are forced to live his life. Not wanting to cause too much trouble, he tries to not interact with any of the main characters. And fails. Every time he says he doesn't want to get involved— he gets involved. Whether he likes it or not. Almost as though... someone is doing it intentionally.

Heath Vandergarden (Love interest): Nasty, two-faced, and cocky, he has all of the traits of a dislikable person. But once he lowers his impossibly high walls—he's not that bad of a guy to be around.

Wei Vandergarden: He's every older sibling ever. Doesn't want to be bothered but is quick to bother you. He's mischievous but gets angry if you prank him. Also, don't try to take his favorite treats from him! When he says it's war—he means it.

Crille Vandergarden: You really want to punch him.

Teop Vandergarden: He deserves two punches.

Roy Vandergarden: He exists.

Pierre Vandergarden (King of Urel): One moment you hate him, and the next, you might still hate him but you feel a bit of pity!

Clara Vandergarden (Queen of Urel): You wished Peri had actually poisoned her with something lethal instead of a sleeping drug.

Peri (Rael's maid): Love her, hate her, she's here to stay.

Lilith Vandergarden: Unkown.

Ophelia Phorest (Heroine): Shy but determined. Worried but driven. She has all of the traits of a protagonist—yet she lacks the luster of one. She tries hard to meet the expectations of those around her but at times, she can't seem to reach the impossibly high expectations.

Ru Hasselt (Love interest): Cold, calculating, and very naive, he was tricked into a contract where he sold his life off to an entity thought to long have perished. By the years, he became a stranger even to himself, eventually turning into something... not him. Still determined to take revenge, he sets his sight on it regardless of his body was gradually becoming possessed. But when he was defeated and rescued by the one he swore to kill, he felt conflicted. Though he still disliked the boy... a debt is a debt. And he always repays the favor.

Oden Turner (Love interest): He's quick to anger but quicker to embarrass. He has a small (teeny tiny) crush on one of his closest friends and refuses to act upon it. He has an unhealthy obsession with his teddy bear—he named it Red after the person who got it for him—and can't sleep a night without it. He's a great friend once he opens up to you.

Weiss Reiss (Love interest): Mischievous like a cat. He takes pleasure in ruining someone's day—especially if it's people he dislikes. Used to have a crush on Rael but a misunderstanding caused him to be rejected.

Claus Knighteye (Love Rival, Weiss' Route): Al and Weiss' childhood friend. Though he might not stand out much, his presence is a comfort for many.

Mary Qial (Love Rival, Heath's Route): She calls Heath "Heathy".

Reni Link (Ophelia's best friend, Love Rival, Oden's route): She was temporarily forgotten... but she exists!

Al Tyre: He likes to steal his uncle's artifacts and mess with other aristocrats—that's how Weiss and he became so close. Gained the Wind elemental in the Mystic Legacy trial—along with another award that he's kept secret.

Geovanni Dranen: You'll love him.

Q: He likes to compete with Rael and hates losing. Also, he avoids Geo like the plague.

Erica Doune (Villainess): She wasn't up to par for the villainess standard.

Clance Husk (Ophelia's Rival): ...who?

Lilith Puck: She's an obnoxious girl who manages to befriend Rael during the Mystic Legacy Trial.

The Saint (Mersana): More villainous than the actual villainess.

Dom Klouse: The dude who got kicked off a ledge and sniped by a spell.

Caesar: There's a bit of mystery hidden behind his friendly smile.

Ires En: Al's ex-roommate who appears from time to time.

Nio: Ex-leader from the Mystic Legacy Trial. Though a bit weak, tried her best to save as many students as she could. Very kind.

Yun: A tall, quiet boy who seems fond of taking care of animals and people.

Jake: A third-year who treated Oden and Rael like his little siblings. Oh, and the (unofficial) winner of the pillow fight.

Hina: Jake's girlfriend who's just as caring. She usually made breakfast as she knew the others were too lazy to cook up something. Her favorite hobby was baking muffins with Kieran at night and eating them while giggling so hard that they choked.

Kieran: R.I.P


Characters with little to no information as of yet:

Vanessa Gould: One of the Ten Archmages. She's the Archmage of Green, a Druid. She's good at stopping fights.

Jun Keldrass: Principal of Lore Academy, and one of the Ten Archmages. Sometimes called a two-faced snake, a commoner disguised as scum, and lastly, a son of a bitch—he takes it all in pride. Knowing half of the mage community either hates him or wants him dead, he makes sure to flaunt his prowess in their faces. Because he's one of the pillars holding the fragile balance of peace in place. So murdering him was a no-go... unless you got away with it. Would he suddenly die... well, there are at least 30 suspects who are definitely the murderer.

Lola Hasselt: Queen of Tenn.

Dokkaebi: They broke one of the principal laws and were banished to the mortal world, forced to suffer for their mistakes. The havens that they help create and reign all vanished one by one... now only a handful exist. The dokkaebi's are slowly being wiped out as well. But is the extinction of these strange beings a good thing or a bad thing? What crime did they commit to deserve a fate as cruel as this?

Faeries: (???)

Elder Trees: (???)

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