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If there was one thing that could bring together the entirety of Hogwarts, it was a Quidditch match. Gryffindor and Ravenclaw were neck and neck in house points. This match would determine who would be in the lead at the final game. Slytherins showed in full force for Ravenclaw. Some even painted their faces pure silver to show solidarity between the houses.

With limited seating options, Regulus found himself alone in the top row in an attempt to avoid the eyelines of his former friends. Hufflepuff, Alana Hooper sped into commentary as the players made their way to the Gryffindor side of the pitch.

“Bell’s got the Quaffle. She’s passed it to Fenwick– oof! –who takes a well placed bludger to the broom! Splintered the handle right off! That’s a foul folks! That’s gonna be an easy repair, Benjy. It's just a Cleansweap-”

“Miss Hooper,” the head of Gryffindor House, Professor McGonagall interjected.

“Right,” Alana went back to her narration, “Benjy Fenwick takes his place in front. He’s got a clean shot now. Cheap move from Aubrey for sure, who usually plays pretty fair. I’ve been on a few dates with Aubrey and–”

“ Alana! ”

“Just providing commentary, ma'am! Well, Fenwick takes ten points for Ravenclaw! Excellent feinting! Spinnet couldn’t keep up!” The game surged on. One team would make a particularly good save or score, only for the other to miraculously come back.

Meanwhile, Ludovic Bagman, Slytherin team Captain and star beater, was openly taking Hogsmeade orders and petty bets from first and second years out of sight from Slughorn’s wandering eyes.

“Yes, yes– alright. I have you down for three dungbombs and a sneakoscope.” Bagman was careful with the way he handled his transactions, talking in just the right direction to just the right people. Regulus knew Ludo felt he had a reputation to make for himself; money to earn. Regulus respected his ambition.

Secretly, Regulus felt a great sense of importance and pride in being the previous captain; Lucinda Talkalot’s first choice for her replacement. He’d earned his place as Slytherin’s Seeker. They called him a Bird of Prey: he was precise and deadly. Yet, Regulus knew the moment the position was offered, he couldn't accept. Though he had a keen eye, his hostile and private nature wasn’t conducive to leadership and collaboration. Besides, Regulus really had no desire to lead, he preferred the solitary position of the Seeker.

Bagman was a year younger but ambitious and coming into his own. Everyone seemed to underestimate Ludo. His naive charm led people to believe he was more concerned with popularity and flashy moves. Very quickly, he’d proved to others there was nothing more important to him than quidditch. His eye was almost as keen as Regulus’ and his unexpected competence gave him the upper hand on the pitch. It was upon Regulus’ recommendation Lucinda gave Ludo Bagman the position of Slytherin team captain. He’d predicted Bagman’s passion and charisma would unite the team and make them fierce competitors. Regulus was right.

While Ludo conducted business, Mia Bell soared across the pitch, weaving through the Gryffindor’s defense easily. Their team was almost all new. The whole year Gryffindor had struggled to stay in the lead. It was so easy now for Ravenclaw to take on a disjointed Gryffindor.

The score still remained fairly even, at 150 to 120. Regulus had no idea how much time had gone by. Watching the back and forth from his high vantage point felt like a taunt– he should be in the sky with them.

Alana announced, “That’s 150 to 130 now, thanks to Marianne Wood!” The Ravenclaws below roared when Gryffindor scored another ten points.

Then he spotted it. The small, prized golden ball hovered just below the foot of the Gryffindor Seeker, whose attention had been caught up in the game below. As a smirk threatened to spread across his face, Regulus watched to see if the oblivious Seeker would discover the snitch still fluttering around his ankle.

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