~ Nikumi ~

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It had been a couple days since your first class, and you had gotten used to your classes and schedule.. and well the rest of the school, with the help of your beloved cousin, of course. You had a free afternoon today, and so you were wandering the halls of Totsuki.

However you came to a halt when you noticed a familiar tan skinned woman. You smiled to yourself when you noticed that she had yet to notice you, and so you snuck up on her, waiting for the perfect moment. And when the time was right.. "Nikumiiiii!" You yelled, throwing your arm around her shoulder.

She jumped, in surprise before finally setting her eyes on you, and once again she stared at you in surprise. "(N-name)-chan?!" She called out, as you offered her grin. "The one and only." You shot her a wink, as she sweat dropped at your behavior.

Ikumi Mito, or who you called Nikumi. She was kind of like a childhood friend. Your family and her family were well acquainted, and because of her family owning a large meat factory, your family often went to visit, dragging you along with them. You eventually became aquatinted to their daughter, and soon became the best of friends.

"What are you doing here?" She questioned, continuing her walk to where-ever she was going. "I," You began, pointing a thumb towards yourself proudly, "go to Totsuki academy now!" You concluded, surprising the girl for the third time today.

"Anyways, where are you headed?" You asked the girl but before she could respond, she paused in-front a door. "Just have some business to take care off." She finally responded, watching her lackeys, slam open the door. You frowned, when you realized Erina probably sent her out to do some dirty work.

You frowned even more when you watched her lackeys trample over books, and barge into the space. You picked up one of the books, that one of them had stepped on, and dusted it off. "Rather than renovating the place, it's better to destroy it and then rebuild it from scratch." You heard her lackey, say.

"Yeah? Then lets do that." Ikumi agreed, as you walked to her side. "Hey, hey. What are we destroying this time?" You asked, nervously laughing when her lackeys began measuring the place. "Who do you think you are, Mito?!" You heard a scratchy voice, and finally realized that there were other people in here.

"What? I'm just checking this place out. After all, we both know the outcome. Just as Erina-sama said." You watched as she cornered the man with the scratchy voice and weird hair, and slammed her foot on the wall beside the man. "'Totsuki has no need for low dishes like Don!" Ikumi repeated the words.

You sighed, both Erina and Ikumi were still the same. "However, it's a different story if you can beat me. Get it now, Mr Don Leader?" She continued, and you had to admit.. she did look slightly cool. However you snapped out of it, when you noticed the poor man trembling in front of her.

"You're way of intimidating people, hasn't changed Nikumi." You commented, as she stepped away from the poor man. "Sorry for the intrusion." You apologized to the man, giving him the recipe book that you had found on the floor. The man slightly blushed, before stuttering and taking the book.

"Yo, it's Nakiri!" You heard a familiar voice from behind you, and spun around to see a redhead. "Oh em gee, our third encounter has arrived Yukihira." You spoke, matching his energy, he simply grinned in response. "Are ya with her?" He asked pointing at Nikumi. You glanced over your shoulder to look at her, she was busy talking with one of her men.

"Sorta. I kinda just tagged along, i'm sorry for the intrusion. I'm not sure what's happening, but i think it has something to do with Erina." You told him, helping him pick up more of the recipes that were spewed across the floor. Before Soma could respond, you heard a timid voice from
behind him. "Do you know her, Soma-kun?" She asked.

She hard dark blue hair, which were braided into two pig tails, and large bright yellow eyes. When you made eye contact with her, you offered her a warm smile. "Hi! I'm Nakiri (Name), it's nice to meet you!" You introduced yourself. "O-oh! My name is Tadokoro Megumi, it's nice to meet  you too." There was a long silence before you heard Nikumi threatening the poor man.. again.

"Nothing can beat worthy meat!" She almost yelled, as you sweat dropped at her behavior. "Your dishes can never beat my super high quality meat!!" She continued, posing dramatically in-front of the terrified man who looked like he was about to burst into tears.

"If all you care about is the price of your ingredients, i hope you know that you're giving cooking a bad name." Soma spoke, with a tone you weren't used to. He was always playing and joking around with a teasing tone, it caught you off guard to hear him so serious. But he did have a point. "Can you.." Soma paused, looking at the trembling man instead of Nikumi.

"let me handle this shokugeki?" Soma asked, catching everyone off guard. He barely made it past a week in Totsuki, and now he's already dueling people? "Yukihira, have you ever been in Shokugeki, maybe you shouldn't rush int-." You were cut off when Soma looked at you, a cheeky smile on his face."You doubting my skill, Nakiri?" He asked, with his teasing tone. "Never said I was, Yukihira."



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