A White-Eyed Owl

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It was pitch black here in the room that was my prison. Not even the faintest little bit of sunlight strained through the boarded-up windows. Not even the white light of moonlight could be detected. It was simply just pitch black. As if I were in a void of shadows. I could feel and hear things, but I just could not see them.

I was laying down on my side with one oof my hands up by my face. It was too dark to read, but my leg still hurt too much to try and do anything else. So, I layed here during the long hours of the night with nothing but my thoughts to keep me occupied. My train of thought kept shifting to and from a few different topics.

The main one was how my wounded leg felt like it was next to a crackling fire. It was uncomfortably warm and itchy as all hell. No matter what I tried to do though, it just would not help. If I moved it out from underneath the blankets it still felt as hot as ever. If I tried to reach down and itch it, it would feel like it was being poked with a burning hot rod all over again. All that did was just irritate it and make it feel more painful afterwards.

The next was how I knew the cat was in here. Sometimes she would curl up into me next to my side. Other times I could hear her purring at my feet as she made biscuits on my ankles. Then other times I did not know where she was at all. She could be sleeping or exploring other places of the room. Or maybe the door was open, and she was coming in and out as she pleased. I would not know for I could not see a single thing. My back was turned to the door anyway.

The next thought was What was happening with the others and Gunner. I had no idea where that sneaky gargoyle had perched himself. Was he terrorizing my friends? Was he watching me? Was he perhaps trying to sleep himself? Though I was pretty sure that man had not slept even a wink in decades. Otherwise, why else would his eyes be practically stitched open? Was that why the quiet man was blind? His eyes were open just so much that they dried out and could not work anymore? The thought actually made me crack a smile and almost let out a chuckle.

I had not even heard any sound from the others in a concerning amount of time. I had not heard Stella scream, which was either a good thing or a bad thing. On one hand her silence meant that she was evading the ire of our kidnapper. On the other hand, it could very well mean that she already faced his wrath and was already a cold rotting corpse right now.

A shover wracked through my body at the thought. I could not even think about that without feeling tears coming to my eyes. Jacob and Mila were already dead, and Lucas was either still out there fighting for his life...or he was dead too. I did not want to think that he had joined the others in the afterlife... but the odds were stacking against him.

It felt like a few days had come and gone since he had jumped the fence and made a run for it. A few days since Mila maimed me and died for her treachery. Or maybe she would have died whether she helped me or hindered me. Either way Gunner had been acting suspiciously calm for one of his victims to have successfully escaped.

Which most likely already pointed too that his dogs caught up with Lucas and tore him to shreds. I Doubted that even in his life of solitude Gunner was ignorant to what would happen if Lucas actually made it back into town and got help. Gunner was a smart beast. He knew that an escaped victim meant more unwanted trespassers on his mountain. That these new trespassers were likely to free his other victims and put him down for good.

So therefore, the fact that Gunner was greatly unbothered as of now severely scared me. The signs pointed to Lucas being dead too. As much as I did not want to, I had to count him among the list of the lost now. At the back of my mind, I still tried to hope. Hope would not get me anywhere here though. I needed to be logical to get out of here.

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