「🌙」𝙘𝙪𝙧𝙞𝙤𝙪𝙨; 𝘵𝘸𝘰

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❤︎ ━━━━━━━━━


tokyo, japan

when minho woke up the next morning, he was spammed with unread messages from aeri.
they varied from text like;
" lino, what have you gotten your self into. "
to; " you'd better keep me updated with whatever the hell this is. "

reading the messages brought a smile onto minho's face.
he was very lucky to have aeri as a friend.
and was exited to find out what information the flash drive and letter pertained.

he pulled himself up out of his bed and walked into his bathroom and went through his morning routine like he does every morning.
he picked out a fairly simple outfit for today's events; a plain white t-shirt, and baby pink overalls.

but, instead of leaving out of the front door for work -which he would still have to attend later during the day- he would wait in the living room area for his grandmother.
he had to take her to monthly checkups since the beginning of the year when her condition had worsened, and now was that time.

after five minutes of minho glancing around the apartment, taking in details he never noticed before, his grandmother entered the living room.
you ready to go?
minho questioned his grandmother.
of course, lets get going now.
his grandmother responded.

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the two walked out of the small apartment and headed to the restaurant next door, like minho does every morning, no matter the events that are set to follow.

ah, suyeon! it's so good to see you
ms. sasaki greeted the older woman as she and minho entered the restaurant.
it's good to see you too, emiko!
she exclaimed.

suyeon rushed up to the bar, sitting down on the bright pink seats, making conversation with emiko.
minho slowly trailed behind his grandmother taking a seat next to her.
he glanced around the small restaurant and looked out the window feeling on edge.
he was well aware that the items innthat bag were meant for dangerous, horrible people.
he did not want any of those people coming after him, or worse; going after aeri, he didn't want her getting hurt because of his decisions.

moments later, there was a plate of food being put in front of him, pulling him out of his thoughts.
he nonverbally thanked ms. sasaki, who went back to conversing with his grandmother.
he smiled at them sadly.

after the older women finished thier conversation, it was time for minho and his grandmother to leave.
goodbye emiko, we'll see you around!
suyeon exclaimed.
emiko gave them a bright smile and waved goodbye.

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the two waited by the bus stop for the bus to come.
minho was taking in his surroundings carefully, searching for anyone who may look suspicious.
lino, are you okay? you seem nervous.
suyeon asked her grandson.
im fine, don't worry about me.
minho dismissed.

shortly after their conversation, the bus pulled up, stopping right in front of them.
the two got on the bus, taking a seat in the very front.

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