2- A long-expected party

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"Should we introduce ourselves first?" Hyunjin asked timidly. 'Yeah, no offense but I only know who half of you guys are," Seungmin added, "Maybe we go round, and say our name and our specialty?" When everyone nodded, Jisung nudged Chan indicating he should go first. "Alright then, everyone, I'm Bangchan, I'm going to be the leader of this group and I specialize in physical combat, especially boxing." He looked to Changbin. "I'm Seo Changbin, I specialize in negotiation but I'm best at fighting." Jisung sniggered and muttered something that sounded like a date making Changbin go red and hit him. "Ow! Anyway, I'm Han Jisung, the last and best member of 3racha, and I am a genius when it comes to chemistry!"

Seungmin shifted in his seat before turning to Jeongin, who gave him a look that said quite plainly I am not going first, your the Hyung. He sighed and gave in "I'm Kim Seungmin, I'm the leader of vocalracha and my main talents lie in hacking." Jeongin gave them all a timid wave before he spoke earning himself a couple of adoring smiles from the rest of the members and a giggle from Felix. "Hi, I'm Yang Jeongin, I think I'm the youngest here and I'm a sniper." The room, which was filled with a comfortable silence turned to ice as Minho spoke, the tension between the two oldest being thick enough to cut with a knife. "I am Lee Minho, I am an arsonist but that's more of a preference than a specialty as I'm good at everything." Chan scoffed at this and sent a glare in Minho's direction. "You can't be good at everything. Everyone has a weakness." When it became clear Minho wasn't going to reply, Felix spoke up. "I'm Minho's brother Felix, I specialize in infiltration with Hyunjin and, Chan-Hyung, Minho-Hyung wasn't boasting when he said he was good at everything. We were trained in pretty much every style of fighting and with most weapons. We were trained to not have a weakness and we taught Hyunjin everything we could so he doesn't either." When Chan scowled, Hyunjin just confirmed what Felix said. "As I said, everyone has a weakness. If you don't know yours, I will make it my personal mission to find out what it is."

They decided to spend the rest of the night playing games. The first game the group settled on was hidden talents. After a mass game of Rock paper scissors, it was settled that Changbin would be going first. "I can read 89 syllables in 7 seconds," He said before the group wrote out a small paragraph to test him which he aced, obviously, and proceeded to rap a verse from his favorite song. Changbin then picked Seungmin to reveal his hidden talent, "My main skill is probably hacking, but you know that so I...erm... well I'm really good at baseball and I can sing." The last bit came out in a massive rush making Jeongin laugh at his hyung's embarrassment. It took them a long time to convince Seungmin to show them and he only agreed when Jisung said he would play his guitar and Chan agreed/was forced by Jisung to sing with him. The group sat in awe at the duo as their voices matched perfectly creating a harmony that was like ecstasy but for ears. "So Changbin can speak really quickly, Seungmin and Chan can sing, and I can play guitar, anyone else got anything?" Jisung asked, turning to the remaining four. By now, Hyunjin had his head in Minho's lap whilst Felix and a very comfortable-looking Jeongin were wrapped in his arms. Felix shrugged and raised his hand "I can bake, Hyunjin-hyung can draw and Min-hyung loves to cook, but I can't really show you that so... we can all dance, we could do that if you wanted." The other two groaned as Felix dragged them off the couch.

The others sat in awe as the three boys moved perfectly in sync with each other. It was clear how they made such an effective team. Jeongin began to fidget as all the attention was turned to him. "I don't have a talent." He almost whispered. "Bullshit," Seungmin snorted "You're amazing at freestyle rapping." The rest of the earnings were basically spent laughing amongst themselves and trying to get a stubborn Jeongin to rap for them.

Despite the atmosphere and the conversation he was having with Jisung, which was mainly flirting, Minho could feel the hate coming in his direction from Chan, who was laughing at the youngest two arguing. He hadn't missed the death glares he and his brother were getting from the elder and wanted to know why. Nodding to Chan, he said, "Why does he hate us, Jisung?" The younger sighed before indicating they should go somewhere private and heading to the kitchen. Minho was about to follow when he felt a small hand wrapped around his wrist, apparently, Felix had been paying Changbin less attention than he thought. Minho leaned down to leave a peck on hs forehead and ruffle the younger's hair in reassurance before following Jisung out of the room.

A/N- how are my beautiful people today 💕 ? I hope I'm not boring you already! As always, any feedback is appreciated. Thanks, Xx

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