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Once I had calmed from my breakdown,the driver had returned back in, asking if I was ok and it'll be alright for him to drive me back. I had nodded numbly,giving him a small appreciative smile.

I turned on my phone , staring at the screen as messages popped up, both from Jackson ,my parents and Mina.

Then suddenly , a call came through. I checked the person and saw it was Mina.
I instantly picked.

"Soo Hin unnie ? Thank goodness ! You are safe! I've been worried about you! I searched everywhere for you ! I thought something bad happened to you ! I came to your apartment. "

She ranted out and I almost felt too guilty for not thinking about her. Aside from Jackson,she was the only one that truly cared.

"I'm sorry Mimi. It's all my fault. I'm sorry ,I have been so out of it ".
Her voice softened. " Are you ok?"
I let out a shaky smile "I am".

"You don't sound like it. I was really worried about you after what happened. I even asked the CEO but to my surprise,he didn't even seem like he cared ! He wasn't even worried or angry ! He just told me to rest assured and that you'll be back ".

My eyes widened "What?!"

"Mm.... That's not all. He has even scheduled a press conference for tomorrow to address the issue. Things have been hectic with what happened and I'm worried of how it can affect you... "

"Where were you unnie ? I really thought something bad happened to you "

"I'm alright Mina .... Just tired. I'll see you tomorrow "

"Oh ok, I wanted to come see you today , but if you're that tired , it's alright. Please take care and be safe. Call me if you need anything "

I smiled ,"I will,I promise ".
With that I hanged up, an uneasy feeling settling in me. Why did the monster not even try to find me. Did he know my whereabouts? How much did he know. I got scared at the thought that he might already know about my soulmate. It even made sense now that I hadn't seen any message from him.

My heart felt as if it was in my throat , throbbing and I could hardly break. Why did he want to hold a conference without my knowing? And that to for me ? What was he up to? I checked the time. It was nine pm,if I went to him , I would still meet him there.

"E-excuse me , could you please drop me at Sky Entertainment?"


"Please ,I'm begging you . Something really important came up ". The driver seemed to be battling with his thoughts before he replied ,"Yes ma'am".

"Thank you ".

I smiled , relieved. When I finally arrived at Sky Entertainment,I instantly jumped out, thanking him as I left. Hurriedly ,I stomped into the building,ignoring the stares I was getting at the gossips that the staffs started to do ,pointing hands at me.

When I reached his floor, I could hear a slow music playing and as I got closer ,I knew where it was from. As if he was waiting for me , he instantly spoke when I entered.


I instantly froze in my steps ,staring at the devil in his celebratory mood. He had thrown both of his legs on his desk,a glass of wine in his hand as he swiveled himself in his chair, relaxed without a care in the world.

"Choi Beat " I managed to say. "bingo! My sweet sweet pet "
He laughed ,overly excited for no reason. I watched as he swayed his fingers to the soft music,shutting his eyes dreamily. "Oh come ,come ! Come join me ! For once , you've done something right without me happening to control you Soo Hin".

I Feel Your Pain!(Min.Yoongi )Soulmate Au Where stories live. Discover now