Panic Attack: Creek One-Shot

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A/N Hey, guys! This is for a contest that I have decided to enter, and if you want any information on it, you can check out all the information here: . Though, the deadline for this is May 14th, 11:59 pm EST, so you better hurry if you want to enter. The link is also in the description. This is a South Park, Craig/Tweek slash fic. and this is the first slash fic. I have ever written, so please no hate. Though, constructive criticism is appreciated. Hope you enjoy :)

Tweek Tweak sighed as he mopped the floor of his parents' coffee shop, where a toddler had accidentally dropped their hot chocolate. It wasn't the first time, and it certainly wasn't the last; but that wasn't the problem. The problem was the pressure that was put on him to clean up the mess.

What if he forgot to put up the 'Caution: Wet Floor' sign and someone slipped and fell? What if he didn't clean it up properly and the place would start to stink because of sour milk? What if the floor got sticky? 

If someone tripped, his parents might get sued - how is he supposed to know if they had insurance or not?! If the place stunk up, people wouldn't want to go to the coffee shop anymore, and his family would go broke and they would have to live on the streets! If the floor got sticky -oh that would be the worst...

If the floor got sticky, his shoes could get stuck, and the underpants gnomes could get him!

"ACK!" Tweek screamed out, dropping the mop. The clatter from the mop caused customers to look over to the blonde teenager. But, Tweek didn't - no, couldn't - worry about embarrassing himself, as his fear of underpants gnomes took over.

Tweek's body started to tremble uncontrollably, and he found it hard to breath. His heart was palpitating in his chest, the immense pounding causing his head to throb and chest to hurt. Moisture built up on his forehead, though, his mouth felt dry - it was as if it was filled with cotton. He thought he was going insane. 

Tweek crumpled to the floor, bringing his knees to his chest and hiding his face in his hands. His eyes squeezed shut, trying to send his imagination to his happy place.

Tweek heard a sudden gasp from the door of the coffee shop. "Tweek!" 

Tweek's four-month boyfriend, Craig, ran over to find Tweek having a panic attack. The usually stoic Craig eyes were now full of concern and worry for his boyfriend.

The two teenage boys had been childhood friends, with Tweek being a part of Craig's gang since third grade. They had finally started dating, only after Craig had finally admitted his feelings to Tweek. Craig claims the only reason behind asking the twitching blonde boy out was because he had heard that Tweek had returned his feelings – and Craig wasn't wrong.  

"Shh," Craig kneeled down to the floor, embracing Tweek. "Shh. I'm right here. Nothing to worry about." Craig's nasally, whispered words seemed to calm Tweek; though, only slightly. 

They stayed in that position for what seemed like eternity for Tweek, but really only was fifteen minutes. Finally, Tweek's breathing was steadier and Craig let go of the embrace. 

Tweek opened his eyes to see a worried Craig, and the eyes of customers staring at him. 

"GAH!" Tweek shrieked, hiding his face in his knees.  "I-I d-don't li-like people st-staring at me," he twitched uncomfortably, "I-I-I do-don't know i-if I cou-could handle th-that kind of - ACK - pre-pressure!" Tweek's voice was still muffled by his knees, but his words could still be heard.

Craig turned around and glared at the crowd that had formed around him and Tweek. He lifted up his left hand and gave the entire crowd his well-known gesture – his middle finger raised high and mighty.

"Screw off. There's nothing to see here." Craig's monotonous voice rang through the coffee shop. His eyes managed to narrow even more and they shot daggers at anyone who didn't go back to drinking their coffee or had headed out of the coffee shop.

Tweek opened his eyes once more, to see that the crowd was no longer staring at him; that in fact, there was not a crowd anymore. He turned to look at Craig, whose back was still turned and eyes were threatening anyone who gave them weird looks.  Tweek tugged at the hem of Craig's hoodie.

"C-Craig," Tweek's voice was small and weak. "C-Craig, I-I'm okay n-now." Craig turned back to look at Tweek and his eyes softened at the look of his boyfriend, who had now seemed to fully recover from his panic attack.

"Are you sure?" Craig asked in a soft and kind voice, which was unusual for the normally stoic teen. Tweek merely nodded in reply. Tweek's eyes were no longer full of fright from the thought of the underpants gnomes, but in wonder of how sweet his normally stoic boyfriend was being towards him.

Craig slipped his right arm under Tweek's armpits and draped Tweek's arms over his shoulder. Craig led Tweek to the back of the coffee shop, where they could talk in private.

"What happened?" Craig asked, once the door had closed to the back.

"Th-the underpants gnomes – GAH – th-they're co-coming for me! Th-they're going t-to get me!" Tweek almost started to panic again, before Craig shushed him and smoothed his blonde hair down, calming him.

"No they won't." Craig said, back in his unemotional, monotonous voice. Tweek's expression turned into one of bewilderment.

"Ho-how do y-you kn-know?" Tweek puzzled, unsure of Craig's claim, and twitched out of nervousness. Craig stood in front of the twitching boy and kissed his forehead, before leaning his forehead against Tweek's.

"Because I'll always protect you." 

Panic Attack (Creek One-Shot [South Park])Where stories live. Discover now