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I widened my eyes and rubbed into that spot

It's not coming off!

don't tell me that Taehyung did this. Well it's obvious that he's the one who did this

I sighed and closed my eyes furiously. "so.. that's a hickey?!" she whispered yelled with her burger in her mouth and fries on her hand. "no" "then what is it?" she rolled her eyes. "mosquito bite..?" she scoffed. "who is the him?" she asked while raising her eyebrows. "no one" she scoffed. "no one? Was that a one night stand?" I chocked on my saliva and looked at her. "are you crazy?!" "well it's just-" she stopped talking when someone interrupted her

"ladies" a playfull voice said before sitting next to me

Imma chop his dick off

"Taehyung leave" I said before pinching his stomach. "ack wifey, ouch" he chuckled and placed a hand on my thigh under the table. "uhm.. what's going on?" Rosè asked looking at the both of us. "nothing Chae, continue eating" she grew more suspicious, but shrugged it off. Food is more important, you know

Rosè coughed and asked a question that I didn't wanna hear. "Taehyung, is that thing on Jennie's neck a mosquito bite?" he frowned and look at the part where Rosè was pointing. He licked his lips and smirked. "is that what she told you?" she nodded. "Taehyung, are you the mosquito..?" that's it

I stood up not wanting to hear the conversation anymore. "Rosè, the fvck?!" I scoffed and crossed my arms. "he's NOT the mosquito. The fvck is your problem-" but then Taehyung interrupted me. "yep, I'm the mosquito" he proudly said while placing his arm around my waist pulling me closer. "Kim!" I yelled at him and harshly removed his arm from me. "so.. who should I believe now?" she asked. "seriously Chae? You are doubting your bestfriend because of him..??" she nodded. "well yeah babe, I think the mosquito made a really great job on you" she winked. "Rosè, you mor-" "Chaeyoung!" we looked at the owner of that voice, it was Jimin. "sorry babe, Jimin is here" she made another wink before going towards his direction leaving me with this asshole

"want another bite wifey?" "shut up and never talk" he turned me around so I could face him. "impossible love" I rolled my eyes and spotted Yoongi behind him. "Yoongs!" then I went towards him, ignoring Taehyung's presence. "Jennie, since when you are here? You ate already?" he asked. "yep, I've been here for a while now and I ate already"

"hm ok. I need to eat now" I nodded. "Jennie, can we leave now? You heard him right? He needs to eat now. Let's go so we won't bother him" he said with a serious and demanding tone


I shrugged my thoughts off and answered. "you can go if you need to go. I will stay for a little longer with him" "Jennie-" "bye bye" I sarcastically smiled at him, then he left with his dark and hard eyes

"stupid" Yoongi said while shaking his head from right to left. "I know right?" I chuckled and took some fries from his plate. "I meant you dumbass" I looked at him in disbelief. "wah. What did I do now?" "You thought I was stating Taehyung as the stupid one?" I nodded. "dumb" he rolled his eyes and continued eating. "y-yah! Why me?!" he shooked his head. "nothing" "Yoongi-" "I said nothing" I gave up and looked at him

"whatever. So where's the girl that you've been talking about?" "somewhere" I had enough and stood up. "YAH! MIN YOONGI!" he rolled his eyes, took my wrist and made me sit again. "can you just stop being so fvcking annoying Jennie" "can you stop being so fvcking annoying Jennie? no. My answer is no, deal with it" I mimicked him. "bitch" he whispered. "so you found yourself a new crush, huh?" I wiggled my eyebrows teasing him. "hm." "what's her name?" "cannot tell"

wah seriously? Is she some kind of celebrity that he cannot tell?

"she's from this school?" "yes" "is she popular?" "yes" "can you tell me her name now?" "no."


"can you atleast tell me the initial of her name?" "N"

N? Who the freaking freak starts with an N in this school?

"so.. what happened between you and Taehyung? He looked mad earlier" I sighed. "I don't know too. Lately he's acting strangely" I placed a hand on my chin and started thinking. "what do you mean?" "hm, like as if he doesn't want me to go out" he chuckled. "don't you think he has something for you"

pff him?

"impossible Yoongs. He's Taehyung, the Kim Taehyung. He doesn't have time for real relationships" "but you never know. People can change" I rolled my eyes. "they change because of one person? Impossible" then I took his coke and drank a little bit

"you still like him?" I scoffed. "well maybe a little bit, but I think that was just attraction, nothing serious"

I liked Taehyung even before our marriage. We were like cat and dogs fighting for every insignificant shit, well we still are.

I enjoyed spending our moment like that as if I need that in my life, but marrying him? It sound wrong. I liked him for his features, but personality? Absolutely no. He's the most arrogant, flirty, dramatic, playboy and manipulate person that I've ever know. He can get out with everything he wants

Then why did I like him?

I liked him because from time to time I noticed that he kinda cares from me. That's the only thing I love about him besides his features

"so whatcha gonna do about it?" "I don't know and I don't want to think about it" I said before standing up. "I need to go now bebs, I need to do some work done" I smiled and took my bag with my books on it. "k. Bye" he said before kissing me on the cheek. "Bye" then I left the canteen

- - -

It was 8pm and I just finished my art lesson. Kinda tiring, but I love doing it

I opened the door and saw Taehyung sitting on the sofa while watching TV. He was watching it with a serious expression, but then I realized that the serie was Barbie in The Dreamhouse, like what the-

I went infront of him and confronted him. "You are watching Barbie in The Dreamhouse?" I asked while laughing. Then I noticed that I was the only one laughing, kinda awkward...

"why are you watching that?" I asked while sitting down next to him, but he didn't answered me. "Taehyung?" still nothing. "TAEHYUNG!" he trapped me on the sofa, hands behind my head and his eyes boring into mine. "how serious are with him?" his voice is low, his face is close to mine. It's hard to concentrate in this kind of distracting environment. "what are you saying?" I tried to push him away, but he leaned closer sandwiching me against the sofa

his forehead meets the side of my head and whispered. "how serious are with him?" I was confused. "with whom?" I just couldn't understand. "Yoongi" I stared into his eyes and jealousy was written all over his face. "what do you mean? We are nothing" I finally had the strength to push him away, so now we're both standing. "oh don't like Mrs. Kim" he sarcastically laughed. "Nothing? I literally saw you flirting with him at the canteen earlier!" he shouted at me as if I did something wrong. "what the fvck are you saying Taehyung?! I didn't flirt with him and even if I did, is none of your business! Why are you getting so angry suddenly!?" he aggressively took my wrist. "you fvcking belong to me Jennie"

excuse me?!

"I don't fvcking belong to anyone, but me" I tried to remove his grip, but he was too strong. "I'm your damn husband, that means you're mine all mine. So Min Fvcking Yoongi cannot and I repeat CANNOT fvcking touch nor kiss you on the cheek like he did earlier!" he yelled at me like it was my fault

"TAEHYUNG, HE'S JUST MY FVCKING BESTFRIEND. CAN'T YOU UNDERSTAND THAT?! We literally grew up together. And excuse me?! Did you just tell me that he cannot kiss me on the cheek, when you literally fvcked my enemy Saemin yesterday after I went to Yoongi's house?" his grip finally loosed, giving me the chance to leave

no man can ever control me


𝐰𝐨𝐫𝐝𝐬: 1438

𝐩𝐥𝐞𝐚𝐬𝐞 𝐯𝐨𝐭𝐞 𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐬𝐡𝐚𝐫𝐞 𝐭𝐨 𝐬𝐨𝐦𝐞 𝐭𝐚𝐞𝐧𝐧𝐢𝐞 𝐬𝐡𝐢𝐩𝐩𝐞𝐫𝐬 𝐨𝐮𝐭 𝐭𝐡𝐞𝐫𝐞, 𝐭𝐡𝐚𝐧𝐤 𝐲𝐨𝐮 ☾︎♡

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