Only have eyes for you •Alessi Russo•

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"Y/n, you're not listening to me!"

"I am Alessia! And I'm telling you that there is nothing going on between me and Jana. I've never met her and I've never even spoken to her!"

"Well there must've been something to start the shipping between the two of you!" Alessia then stormed off towards the bedroom, slamming the door and leaving me in the silence of our shared apartments, living room.

These arguments between me and Alessia had become a frequent occurrence over the last month. For some reason, fans on Twitter and TikTok had began shipping myself and Jana Fernández. I had never spoken to or even met the Spanish player, but because I had mentioned to Alessia before we started dating, that I had found her attractive, her mind went into overdrive and began to think that something was going on.

I tried, over and over again to settle the blondes mind, but she was having none of it, often becoming upset or angry at me whenever a post regarding me and Jana popped up on her Instagram feed or Tik Tok for you page. But this past week, her accusations and worries were becoming worse due to our upcoming game against FC Barcelona Femení.

Us and the rest of the Manchester United team, were going to be flying out to Barcelona next week, and Alessia's jealousy was getting the best of her. But I was becoming emotionally exhausted from trying to proclaim my innocent in this situation but she wasn't having any of it.


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Liked by mywosolove and 26,476 others

Shippingwoso_ OMG! Y/N and Jana will be playing against each other in next weeks game! Manchester United vs Barcelona Femení at Johan Cruyff Stadium in Barcelona!

I can't wait to finally see their connection on the pitch. I'm convinced they'd be the most beautiful couple ever.

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Y/nRusso so disrespectful! Imagine how Alessia feels at posts like this!
Janay/nforever My heart will be complete when I see these two together!


Over the next few days, Alessia would barely talk to me. Her answers were short, she'd come home later and leave early in the morning, seemingly not wanting to be around me. Even in bed, she wouldn't cuddle up to me the way she usually did, she be right over on the far end to avoid touching me at all costs.

It was breaking me slowly. I was watching the person I was in love with, slipping through my fingers and there was nothing I could do, no matter how hard I had tried.

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