Chapter 20: Babies are Near

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3rd person's pov-

Win is almost at his 6 months already, the pregnancy keeps going well but not well for Bright.He has been a lottle exhausted because ever since Win reached his 5th month, his attitude and treatment towards Bright became worse.
Sometimes, he does not like to sleep with Bright beside him, does not want to eat anything but chocolates and the worse of all, he keeps on doing seductive things on Bright but would immediately stop and laugh when Bright gives up and was ready to eat the heck out of him already.
Though Bright doesn't really complain, Win always cry and would sob hard everytime he notices Bright's face being disappointed, annoyed and pissed and Bright can't do anything but just to understand and talk to him softly while giving him kisses and sniffs.

Right now, they're currently watching minions on their tv inside their room with Win lying down on Bright's arms while sniffing his armpits.

"you smell so good brighty!" Win exclaimed in a happy tone that made Bright smile

"hmm, i always smell like this" Bright said that made Win chuckle

"but you're more scented now!you smell like minions" Win said that made Bright laugh, Win on the other hand snuggled more on his boyfriend's armpits

"hmm, alright.who do I smell like, baby?" Bright asked particularly asking him who does he smell like in the minion characters they're watching

"you smell like bob!bob looks very sweet and lovely aswell, just like you." Win said that made Bright smile and kiss him on his hair

"love" Bright called

"hmm?" Win answered still havingg his eyes locked on what he's watching

"have you thought of our babies names already?" Bright asked that made Win look at him

"I have one for the girl, but I don't have a thought for the boy though" Win said with a sad tone then pouted

After that, Bright made him sit while facing him so they could continue the conversation they started

"that's a good thing then" Bright said with a smile that made Win confused

"how so?" Win asked

"well, I have thought of our baby boy's name already, though I just need you opinion in it" Bright shyly said while scratching his nape

"hmm, alright but same with mine either, I need you opinion too!" Win happily said

"hmm, alright, What's the girl's name then?" Bright asked, now their attention is no longer in the tv but it's on their topic.

"hehe, I am actually thinking about Elioenna Chandria, I think it will fit our beautiful girl perfectly" Win said and Bright smiled at him

"that's a beautiful name baby, how did you even thought of that?" Bright asked him

"nah, I just thought off the baby girl's name first but now I need to know our baby boy's name now" Win asked sweetly a little strictly

"hmm, well I think Elijah Julian fits our baby boy" Bright said and Win smiled wide

"now we already have names, we just have to wait for them to come out!" Win excitedly said then smiled

"Baby, how do you think of the name though?Do you like it?" Bright asked

"of course I do!I should've told you to change it if I didn't" Win said then kissed Bright

"hmm, I can't wait to finally have a family with you" Bright whispered softly at him while rubbing his back gently

"Love you, as always" Win said then pecked his lips one more before turning his attention to the television again

"I love you most, big baby" Bright answered sweetly at him then let Win lay on his chest again

Having someone beside you does not only mean you have a partner.It also means having someone you can lean on at times of ups and downs.Having someone on your side means having someone being part of you aswell.Love is love and it will always be the thing that matters.Love can alwags be between anyone, be it 2 boys, 2 girls or between 1 and 1.
Love will always be a big thing and a big part of us, love is not just a word, it is a feeling, a commitment and a choice we choose to do everyday.

-Weeks later-

"brightyyy" Win called Bright softly

"yes baby?awake already huh?" Bright asked and smirked

"hehe can I have some chips please?Our babies are looking for it, please daddy"
Win said having his puppy eyes looked into Bright's orbs deeply.

"hmm?alright, give me a sec" Bright said then stood up to go to their kitchen

They're currently in their living room, Win fell asleep while Bright was doing some work related on his laptop, Win's head was on his thighs while he scrub his hair softly.

Bright came back with a pack of chips and a glass of water in his hands, Win happily sat on the sofa while looking at his husband softly.

Win happily said while clapping his hands

"your welcome my love, our little Elioenna and Elijah are welcome as well" Bright replied softly

"Daddy Bright deserves kisses then!" Win said while smiling

"hmm?only kiss?" Bright smirked

"oh shut up, kiss only!" Win replied and they both laughed

Both spent their time on the living room cuddling and kissing each other, as for Bright, he liked Win more than he already do especially that he became more clingy and acts more like a baby.

helloo, so sorry for the late late update, I was too busy with schools bcs it's exam week already!i hope y'all are fine and doing good, please enjoy this little update here and don't forget to vote!love y'all, take care!!I'll try to update next week.

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