Quick Season 8 Headcanons prt 1

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Back to posting after a long time lol

Avocado Complains to Bride 24/7

Bride might or Might not have a Tiny crush on Avocado

Sir Bug-A-Boo Bothers Avocado and Bride on the Daily, Ends up getting their ass beat by Avocado

Bug-A-Boo gets bored easily, to the point where he's stressed and annoying

Pi-Rat, Beetle and Fortune teller are a Friend group Assuming they get No Bitches

They Actually do have Women felling them 😏 (Well at least Pi-rat)

Fortune Teller is a Ghost Btw, His name is Jonathan

Jonathan and Beetle Tease Pi-rat and try and get him to confess to his crush

Weasel and and Hedgehog are Best friends for Life, Easily romancing and seducing the Ladies

They might also have a crush on each other

Panther and Robo Girl are the Bestest Friends with the Biggest Benefits 🥴💕

Milkshake hangs With them when he Really wants to

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