There's Rumors

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{3rd person P.O.V. ' focusing on Harry'}

Harry shuffled in his sleep. 'Harry...' he had heard his name being called somewhere out in the distance.  Harry had been ignoring voices in his head for years, so this was an easy thing to shut out. Then he heard it again, calling out his name. 'Harry... wake up' it called out to him. 'Wake up!' the voice cried. Harry's eyes started too slowly open. Nobody was there. Of course, there wasn't. who would care enough to wake a pathetic boy who couldn't even remember to set his own alarm. he'd have to have Hermione check to make sure he did. 'Hermione?'            "Right!" He blurted out. Harry had forgotten that he had to meet up with Hermione in the library before classes had started. 

Harry rushed to get up and get ready so Hermione wouldn't have to wait too much longer for Harry to meet her. His hair was greasy for not having been washed in days, weeks even. Harry couldn't remember that either. Harry slipped on his robes and pants as he got his socks out of his drawer. Searching for his shoes he remembered that he had to get his books for class today. Harry's mind was in a jungle as he was racing around finding and sorting things as he got ready.

Harry was skipping steps going down the Gryffindor tower, he needed to make sure he could go see Hermione at least for 5 minutes before class. Speed walking down the hallway he accidentally made somebody drop a book. Without stopping or looking for who it was, he continued striding towards the library.

{3rd person P.O.V. 'focusing on Draco'}

'Walking to class is always annoying on my behalf' Draco thought, carrying a few of his books, Draco passed Gryffindor tower for a second long enough to see Harry. He's basically flying down the stairs it looks like. 'Why is Potter in such a rush today? Why am I even asking, he's probably late meeting Weasley and that Granger.' Glancing down the hallway behind him, Draco sees Harry nock into someone's shoulder so hard they dropped their book. 'He didn't even stop. Thats not like him at all.' Draco thinks about why Harry could have been in a bad mood today.  'Now that I think about it, he's been in a bad mood for almost the entire year.' 

"Hey Draco!" Draco turns to face Blaise standing next to him.                                                                                      "Did you see how Potter basically ran over that Ravenclaw? That must've been the first time he's ever done that before!" Draco could see that Blaise was also trying to figure out what was Potter's deal this year. Soon that came to a stop when they both heard Pansy behind them. "What are you guys talking about?" Pansy asked the two boys still trying to figure out what's up with the golden boy. 

"Nothing really Pansy, just some things about Potter." Blaise is trying to explain to her. "Oh! Did you tell Draco about those rumors with him and potter? Is that what you're talking about?" Draco turns back to Blaise. "What rumors is she talking about, Blaise?" Draco says making it pretty obvious he's trying to pry the information out of Blaise. "You didn't tell him yet? Oh, my Merlin Blaise." Pansy says with a slap to her own face. "Well sorry, I just didn't get to it yet." Blaise tries to defend himself. Draco looks at both of them with a confused look. "Draco, have you really not heard one thing about the rumors?" Pansy asks him with a look of slight shock. "No, am I supposed to?" Draco thinks about if he's heard anything about him and Potter before, but nothing comes to his mind. "Really?" Pansy asks now with shock basically covering her entire face. "It's been basically the talk around the entirety of Hogwarts! I'm surprised that you don't even know a little bit about it, to be honest." Blaise turns to look at Pansy. "Well, it is Draco we're talking about here. Don't forget that Pansy." Blaise says as if it's supposed to mean something to Draco. "Now can we move on to what the so called 'rumors' are saying about me and that Potter?" Both of the other Slytherins turn to look at Draco. "Oh, right." Blaise says. "I'm still wondering if these rumors are real or not because they're pretty detailed. I've only heard about it since yesterday in the common room after you went to sleep, Draco." Pansy tells Draco, as if that explained the rumors to him. "Come on just get to the point already. We obviously don't have all day. I don't want to miss class for you two." Draco reassures them. "Right, right apologies Draco." Pansy replies to him. "Honestly, there is multiple rumors. But there's a really popular one going around saying you slept with Harry when both of you weren't at the 


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⏰ Last updated: Oct 13, 2022 ⏰

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