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Somewhere in the void is a being resembling a butterfly who is-

???: BORED!!!

...yeah he is bored.

???: I'm so bored! There's nothing fun to do here.

The being then gets an idea.

???: Wait, fun. That's it! I know what to do!

The area then changes into a theater and a bright glow resonates and then groans are heard.


"What in tarnation"

"My head feels weird"

These are Sonic and the freedom fighters.

???: Welcome friends!

Everyone then looks at the being.

Sonic: What are you!?

Everyone gets into a fighting stance.

???: Oh, don't be alarmed. I just brought you for something really extraordinary.

This gets everyone's attention.

Sally: How interesting exactly?

???: Oh, very very interesting. But I think there's someone missing. Oh, I know.

The room glows once more and eggman is seen on the ground hurt.

Eggman: Ow! Who did that!?

This shocks everyone.

Tails: Why would you bring him here!?

???: Because I wanted him here to also experience this. By the way, no fighting allowed in the theater or you get shocked.

This makes everyone relax even eggman (He's arrogant but even he knows when he's outmatched).

Sonic: You said this was a theater and we're going to watch something extraordinary. What is it exactly?

???: It is an alternate version of your universe of course.

This shocks everyone.

Bunni: I'm sorry did you say alternate version?

Eggman: That's not scientifically possible!

???: Oh, but it is and your going to watch it.

Sally: Can we are least know what to expect?

???: Certainly. It's pretty much the same as your universe but with a few differences. One of which is major and it deals with someone not from your universe.

This gets everyone's attention.

Sonic: Who is this guy exactly?

???: Oh, you'll see. But he is very important for the story of this universe and all I can tell you about him is...he is someone who loves fun a lot.

This confuses everyone on his words.

???: Anyway. Sit down and we can get this started! Oh, you can call me Omni by the way.

Everyone sits down as the screen turns on to show them a new adventure.

Archie sonic crew react to fun is infiniteWhere stories live. Discover now