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Pov to you

I headed off to dd house to just explain myself about this whole thing

"Hey y/n what up" dd says

"Look what you did with me was wrong without even asking before but fine I'm in" I said

"Okay then but you can't dip when I try to act like we is in a relationship okay" dd says as he smoke a blunt out in porch

"Fine then but what you did you finna go shopping with me and by at least a shirt and pants for me well ill pick thats for damn sure" I said crossing my arms

"Ugh okay besides your styles trash ass shit" dd says

"Shut the fuck with your wanna be iced up ass chain" I laughed

"Bitch it's real besides your broke ass wouldn't notice cause you use to cheap ass shit" he laughs

"Mhm okay dd" I laughed as I walked away and headed home

"Bro y/n you legit where suppose to come back here" dayleen says

"Since when did mom care" I said coming in

"Where the hell have you been" my mom comes storming at me

"With dd" I said

"Are you serious right now y/n I told you to stop going over there you know where he lives ain't safe" she says

"Mom it's not like I hadn't been there" I said walking away and heading

"Well this better be the last fucking time or I swear ima fucking wack your ass next time" she yells as I sighed and went into my room

"Hey y/n can I come into your room for a bit" dayleen says

"Yeah whatever" I said as I sat on my bed

"So why were you at dds you never go by yourself" she says

"How did you know I was" I said suspicious

"Well ethier jael or Arielle would come to drop you off" she smirks

"Oh yeah true nun it just some deal me and him had to do no biggy" I sighed

"Oh alright then... you know dd ain't that bad" she says

"Oh my gosh dayleen" I chuckled

"What I'm just saying at least it wasn't dott he deadass had a huge crush on me remeber" she starts burst out laughing

"Oh yeah I forgot he really thought he had a chance" we both laughed


"Well be back" she says as she gets up

"Okay" I said as she goes out my room

Discontinued 😀

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 23, 2022 ⏰

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