6. carnival sickness

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 It has almost been an entire month since Cass ended up on the Tonks family's doorstep and she couldn't be more thankful for the hospitality the family provided her. They were definitely much more comfortable around each other and she felt a part of their family.

The only thing that now upset Cass was how much she missed the friends she left behind in her past reality, one of whom was the cause of her mother's unfortunate death. Cass had also not uncovered that mystery yet which upset her greatly. She hoped that once she arrived at Hogwarts, the large library might provide a great resource so she could learn more about her mother and why someone would have aimed to have her eliminated.

One week ago Errol had arrived with a note from Charlie between his beak. Charlie had in fact found a carnival that would be open for most of this coming week and the group decided to go on the second of August. Cass was starting to regret their decision, the past two days Cass had been really sore and feeling sickly, but she couldn't figure out what caused her sickness. She felt unwell and exhausted most of the day, but didn't want to ditch the rest of the group, so she continued with their plans despite her strange ailment.

Both Tonks and Charlie had received their apparition license so they decided to meet up at the Leaky Cauldron and then take muggle transportation to the carnival grounds. Cass hoped that the seventeen-year-olds had enough practice and could provide the side-long apparition to her and the twins, if not, their plan B was to go by floo, however that could be more difficult to get to without the adults knowing of their plans.

"Are you sure that you still want to go? I can owl Charlie and tell him that you aren't feeling the best." Tonks seemed genuinely concerned for Cathleen's well-being and was more than ready to accept rescheduling.

"I'm perfectly fine. We can go and I'll be okay," despite the words that came out of her mouth, the actions that followed did not match up. While Cass stood from the couch she had to mask a groan of pain while she used her hand to put pressure on the side near her sore ribs.

"Cass, I don't think this is the best idea, you have just been getting worse and I'm sure mum wouldn't be happy that you are going to a muggle attraction in this condition."

Nymphadora's attempts to convince Cass otherwise did not do a thing, for Cathleen was persistent in not ending the night's excitement for the others, "I'm fine." Cathleen tried to hold her temper in, but it was clear to Dora that she should drop the argument which she could never win and would end with Dora getting attacked by Cathleen. Even though Cass seemed too ill for her to cause any damage to Tonks, the elder knew that the younger teenager was still capable of beating her in a fistfight despite her current condition.

"Fine, but if you start to feel nauseous or anything just tell me and I can apparate us back."

"I'll be fine." Cass gritted through her teeth. Tonks sighed through this doomed battle and held onto Cathleen's arm while apparating them to the Leaky Cauldron. The feeling of the pull of gravity being released from the Earth and the unnatural stretching feeling set in place for the seconds the duo traveled through London.

"Cass!" The girls landed with a bit of a stumble and it seemed that Charlie was capable of carrying the side-long apparition as well.

The twins each put one of their shoulders onto one of the fourth-year and started walking with her behind the older couple guiding them through the muggle streets.

"So what have you two been up to these past few weeks?"

"Not much, surprisingly the Burrow has been relatively quiet," Fred answered and got a look from his brother that made it obvious that he forgot about an important detail.

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