16. Beating at the Church

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"It is only if the murderer is a good man 

That he can be regarded as monstrous." 

~ Graham Greene



"I know you're awake" she said coldly as she stepped in from the bathroom. Opening my eyes, I watched her. 

"I wasn't hiding the fact that I was. Is there a meeting I do not know of?" I replied sitting up. It was six thirty-two in the morning. Why the fuck was she getting dressed at the ass-crack of dawn? 

She sighed, bored before turning around. "Yes. However, you do not need to concern yourself with it seeing as it is a personal one. The moment the conversation shifts to shooting puppies in the street, I will call you." 

Kill her. Cut her fucking balls off and shove them down her throat. 

I could feel my eyebrow twitch at the tone of her voice. She was talking to me as if I was a fucking child. 


"As much as I enjoy our verbal assaults, Mina I really do have to get going" she said walking toward the door.

"I will meet you in the car for church. If you feel like ranting then by all means, scream your head off." 

I didn't even think. One moment I was trying to breathe, next thing I knew, my hand was under the pillow and I was firing at her. However, nothing happened. Instead, Momo shook her head. 

"Gun under the pillow? I hope you didn't think I was just going to leave it loaded" she asked, ice dripping from her voice. 

"You touched my gun!" 

"I've touched more than your gun. Get over it" she said, closing the door as she left. 

The blood in my veins was boiling so badly, my skin was turning red. 

Grabbing my phone, I tried not to yell when I heard the other voice on the line. 

"Haruto, are you ready to redeem yourself?" I asked. I could almost hear him jumping out of bed. 

"Yes, ma'am anything" he replied right away. 

"Momo has a breakfast this morning. I want every goddamn detail. She sneezes, I want to know about it." 

"Of course, where is she?" 

"I don't fucking know! Do your job!" I screamed before hurling the phone at the wall, shattering it and the mirror it hit. Running my hands through my hair, I tried my best to breathe but I was pissed off. I wanted to kill her. I wanted to kill something! But I couldn't—not now at least—so I stood still, breathing slowly, shutting out the world around me. I didn't allow myself to think, just breathe. I wasn't sure how long I stood still. All I knew was that my boiling blood was becoming cold. 

"Ma'am." Blinking I came face to face with Adriana. "I'm sorry, ma'am, but you've been like this for an hour and you need to get ready for mass." 

I stared at her before turning to the clock and sure enough it was seven forty-seven. Nodding, I walked into the bathroom. 

"Adriana, I need a new phone" I said before stripping down and heading into the shower. As much as I enjoyed the warmth of the water as it beat against my skin, I needed to get a move on. 

My father always said, never keep God waiting. When I stepped out, Adriana was already waiting with a towel. 

"Adriana, you will not be going to Camp with us" I told her as I dried out my hair. 

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