[A Sparknotes summary of Book 1.]

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Enter stage left: Cyrus, a boy born without a soul.

Enter stage right: Tuesday, a girl who was born with two. 

This curiosity occurred due to a ritual the demon Acheron performed as step one of his plot to reform the world (which really meant taking out much of the human race). Souls act as a safeguard from magic, so he needed to create a soulless child to make a being powerful enough to enact his vision. He touted Cyrus as the messiah of a doomsday cult that would help bring about the End.

What he didn't count on was Cyrus being a stubborn dumbfuck, Tuesday to make him just a little more human just by harboring his soul in close proximity to him, and his own ex-bro Raziel to be thrown into the mix as well to help out the underdogs.

Tuesday goes all Bonnie & Clyde with Cyrus, luring pervy men to their deaths to fuel his own soul-eating addiction. Cyrus also kills one of her bullies which she basically swoons over--hey, man, slowly losing some of her souls is a bitch! Then Cyrus realizes how Very Not Cool Acheron really is and kills him, but in doing so, absorbs all the soul power demons are made of. What does that mean in layman's terms? oh, right, shit hits the fan and emo boy is going nuclear. 


Cyrus learns if he's gonna do drugs, he ought to stick with the downers (there is a lot of spilled blood when cocaine gets involved).

Tuesday gets a sort-of, kinda, would-be girlfriend Jordan, if it weren't for the little incident where said almost girlfriend is brutally mutilated by a demon to manipulate our starcrossed not-lovers main characters.

Raziel goes a little emo himself. Living with a couple millenia's guilt, well, someone get the man a drink okay? We learn he helped Acheron back in the day in his plot to end the world as we know it, but he came to appreciate things it has to offer, such as Mariah Carey and strip clubs. 

The gang attempts to rid Cyrus of his demon soul-stew but epically fails, and emo boy resigns himself to a lonely fate because he simply cannot control himself around the general populace. Emo *man* also resigns himself to a lonely fate, because oh fuck, his own girlfriend was the one who mutilated Jordan as part of a plot to stop everyone from 'domesticating the Antichrist'. 

And Tuesday? Yeah, she's resigned to a lonely fate as well since everyone dragged her unwillingly into a supernatural cult bullshit plot then left her high and dry to deal with the emotional aftermath. 

. . .


The girl gets revenge.

After a lot of pain. That's kind of mandatory around here.

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