Kitten Play-1

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It's been a month since the big revelation.

Zhan and Yibo have improved their relationship a lot.

They've started to rebuild their old bond, trying to make Yibo remember their old days,.as Zhan has vowed to himself that he won't touch Yibo till he doesn't remember their past.

Zhan coaxed Mr. and Mrs. Wang to let Yibo live with him, to which they readily agreed as both their parents are already planning  their wedding.

It's been 2 weeks since Yibo shifted to Xiao Mansion. Everything feels so familiar and comfortable, as if he knew this place forever. Zi Shu and Ke Xing treated him as their own son, making him even more comfortable in the Xiao household.

Zhan too was doing everything to make his little kitten comfortable and make him remember everything, totally oblivious of the fact that Yibo has already regained most of his previous memories.

They share a sweet innocent bond now, consisting cute sudden backhugs, forehead kisses and cuddles during movie night. 

Yibo's room is next to Zhan's, giving them even more opportunity to stay together.

The whole college already knows that their "Mr. ethereal Omega" Xiao Zhan is dating "Mr. Lone Wolf Alpha" Wang Yibo as they were sticking together all the time. 

But things weren't as sweet for everyone. 

For Yibo, it was getting a bit frustrating now.

Before that morning incident, Zhan was all flirty and pervert with Yibo. But after that morning, it looked like something possessed Zhan. He has started acting like a gentleman, always being polite and gentle with him. As much as Yibo liked the new Zhan, he misses the old untamed Zhan a lot.

But yesterday it went a bit too overboard, turning Yibo's frustration into insecurity.

It was Friday, and like every weekend they were enjoying the movie night, cuddled together, when the main couple started making out aggressively.

Yibo suddenly felt hot and aroused by the scene. He turned towards Zhan, only to find the elder already staring at him intensely.

They slowly started leaning towards each other, their lips only an inch apart when Zhan suddenly jerked him away and abruptly stood up.

"Umm.. I-I'm tired. I-I'll be sleeping n-now. Goodnight Kitten." Zhan stammered before running away to his bedroom, leaving Yibo there alone, baffled.

Today morning, Zhan went out with Simon early saying they have a group project to do, and Yibo knew it was just an excuse to run away from him.

He was mortified. Did Zhan lose interest in him? Did he fell out of love? Is he seeing someone else?

All these thoughts were making it difficult for him to rest. He was anxious, and it clearly showed on his face. 

"Yibo? Baby what happened?" Zi Shu asked worriedly when he saw Yibo zoning out on the breakfast table.

"Huh.. Oh. N-Nothing uncle." Yibo excused.

"But your face is telling otherwise. Is something bothering you son?" Ke Xing added, concern echoing through his voice.

"N-No Uncle. I think It's the whether. I feel a little tired." He lied.

The couple nodded thoughtfully.

"Then you should take rest baby. I'll send medicine to your room." Zi Shu cooed.

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