Hello, I have some notes

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Okay so I'm sorry that I haven't updated this 'book' in around two months and that the first half of the show has now already been released on iPlayer and elsewhere, but, I had written a full episode summary for each of the thirteen mini episodes for the show however, as I was writing the chapter on two different devices, the save point messed up and I ended up losing all of what I wrote and it annoyed me so much that I ended up abandoning this 'book' altogether. I put a lot of effort into writing each summary so when they didn't save properly, I essentially gave up. I watched the trailers and then didn't feel motivated to write out any predictions/speculations for them, also, with all thirteen episodes releasing together, I immediately binged them and then realised that I couldn't write out a proper summary and review without some bias for later storylines that were essentially only being set up. So that's what's been happening.

Overall I found the thirteen episodes for the first half of season eight to be a major step up from the last season. And, I can understand what the writers are wanting to establish with the time and focus spent on one core element of the overall story featured in the first half and the other core element featuring much more prominent in the second half.


So, I do believe we had such a clear focus on the Step Inside crew aka the old A Troupe in the first half of the season to close out their story and provide a satisfying conclusion to some of our cast before we switch it up and focus on bringing in the new generation. We had a soft launch of the 'new' A Troupe by showing their auditions and some interactions in the first half, but not much. There was a clear intent to provide our current cast with a storyline that would close out their story aka most of them moving on to bigger and better projects outside of the studio, so that the audience would not complain at their lack of screen time and that they were basically introduced with too many new changes all at once aka, no familiar faces and such. Basically what happened in season four when most of the troupe got switched out.

In the second half of the season, I still think we will see Richelle hanging around the studio as I do think we have to close out some aspects of the Chad storyline, before she can move on. However, other than her, almost all of the other cast can essentially leave the show. We might still see Ozzy hanging around as I don't think he's far and Kenzie is still at the studio (I think this is why the Richelle and Kenzie friendship was so clear this season, to allow Richelle to have some scenes in the studio for a purpose instead of randomly appearing). Also Heath! But they are the only characters I see appearing in the second half as we head to nationals. So yeah.

Overall I thoroughly enjoyed the episodes, I don't know what else to really say. The second half of season 8 will be airing very early November - I believe the 8th? Or close to it. And I don't know if all episodes will drop all at once like with the first half but we can only hope.

I may see you guys before then as I do want to go back to my predictions for the season before a trailer was even announced and see how many things I got right. So maybe look out for that. Until then, bye x

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 23, 2022 ⏰

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