Little explorer

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"Thanks again Kosma" I say hopping over the spilled paint on the floor I don't want to make more of a mess.

"Oh anytime soft one but if you can tell those two up their to quit with the paint tossing" Kosma shook their head and started getting to work with cleaning.

"I will see ya" looking around I'm definitely going to need a way up and luckily I found a good way next to the shop was a bin next to a small platform I could easily climb up!

Climbing the bin and the platform was easy but now I have to jump onto the air-conditioning and jump onto the other one on the other side.

After doing so I climbed on top the small balcony using more of the air-conditioning I climbed to the roof when I made it I saw another companion laying on some mattresses.

I swear if I find out I took the hard way up I'm gonna cry.

"Oh hello I was wondering what those noises were" the companion says looking at me.

"Ah sorry if I startled you"

"No worries I was looking at the circles of light I wish I could see the real sky one day" oh poor guy I remember the stars the lights here look nothing like them.

"I hope you do the normal dark sky is way beautiful than this one" the companion made this cute whirring noise and a heart popped onto it's screen.

"Really? I can't wait!" I couldn't help but laugh a little I gave to companion a goodbye wave and looked around just on the other roof was a couch and Tv.

Not questioning it I jumped down on the other side was a air-conditioning with some beautiful yellow flowers I'm surprised that they can grow without sunlight maybe evolution?

Climbing up I finally sat down the couch was a bit worn out but still comfortable and the remote was on the couch too curious on what future tv is like I turned it on seems like a news channel but there was no sound and I couldn't read the text but a small picture of a robot with a top hat was on the corner.

I sigh honestly I kinda thought by now I'd at least remember my own name but I can't even do that and I doubt any of the companions here can really help me I doubt they know much about humans if they're shocked when seeing one.

Because everyone is parents, my friends everyone I'm literally the last person alive...I can feel myself hyperventilating trying to stop myself from crying its obviously failing since I can feel the tears.

I can never talk to them again there gone and I can't do anything about it I don't even have a fucking photo of them why was I in the cryopod in the first place why was mine the only one to have survived that's not fair.

I could have at least died with my family or friends that would have been more peaceful than this.

I'm not sure how long I was sitting here crying long enough for me to get thirsty again or maybe it was hunger I can't tell anymore the sound of faint pots breaking distracted me from my own pity party.

A few roofs over I could see Stray push some empty pots over for them to break ha classic cat stuff I quickly whipped my eyes and snot I should keep moving I really don't want to end up falling asleep outside.

Turning around there was a balcony with a blue neon sign with a frown since it looks easy to get in I hopped over and moved the wooden board away and pushed the white boxes to the side then opened the door.

It looks a its a library books everywhere ahead was a bunch of computers walking forward on the right I saw another room the entrance was full of piles of books I tried to carefully move over them but they still fell over.

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