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There was a race taking place on Olympus where a handful of people gather to race across the map for a grand prize and Silva, the little daredevil he is, signed himself up for a spot. He thought it would be more exciting to use fire just to make himself look like he was going incredibly fast, faster than he already was.

Luckily, Che, his best friend, was there to spray his body with a substance that prevented his skin from getting burnt. "Now what would you do without me? Hmm? Setting yaself on fire won't make ya run faster ya know?"

"Come on, Che! The race is about to begin!"

"Would ya stop whining? I want to make sure every part of ya is covered befor-"

Before Ajay could finish her sentence, Octavia sprinted away to the starting line with the ignitor and his stim in hand. The other competitors lined up with him at the starting line before the whistle blow.

"My legs are ready to go!!" Those words were the last words Octavio Silva said before setting himself on fire and stabbing his forehead with drugs as the race began. Not even 5 seconds in, as the green haired Latino takes the lead, a loud scream was heard as if it was from someone that had been shot in the leg. Where it came from was not from a gunshot but from a ball of flames that was curled up on the racing tracks. Sirens and tragedy swiftly filled the air as emergency personnel showed up to take what was remaining of Octavio to the hospital.

Ajay, devastated at what just unfolded before her remained in one spot, pale as the clouds that loomed over her head. "I.....I killed him..." Warm tears trickled down her freckled cheeks as she gradually fell to her knees.

In the hospital Octavia was taking to the emergency room where he was hooked up with multiple IV's and cold packs covered his entire body. The slight moment he regained consciousness, he saw his old man, Duardo Silva. 

huh?...what is he doing here? 

He thought to himself. He could barely grasp what his father was saying to the doctor at first until they came closer to look at his charred body.

"You should give it to him. He was nothing more than a waste of space anyways. I have always despised him." Duardo scoffed as he held the look of disgust and disappointment on his face.

"But Sir! If we give him the highest dose, he will experience an unimaginable pain before he draws his last breath. There are other ways to put him to rest that are not as cruel and agonizing a what you are suggesting." The Doctor was earnestly trying to convince the man before him to reconsider his decisions, but Duardo has proven to be immovable.

Octavia frantically gazed around in search for his best friend, his other half but he could not find her. He wanted to scream but his lips were melted together.


He kept trying to speak or move but he was unable to do anything. 


All he can move are his eyes. The only thing that was used to witness the man in white coat steadily approaching him with a needle in hand.


Octavia couldn't feel the needle going into his arm but the substance that rapidly surged through his entire body was so painful that it jolted his body to wake up from a bench that was right across from a soccer field.

Trying to catch his breath, Octavia found himself sweating and looking around confused and terrified. 

In the distance a familiar face ran up to him, concerned and checking his body to see if anything was off.

"Silva, are ya okay?! I left for just a minute only to come back to this. Look at ya! You're sweating through your clothes!"

As if an Angel has descended to save him from his nightmare, a sense of relief washed over him. Octavia proceeded to instinctively wrap his arms around Ajay's waist before planting a tender kiss on her already parted lips. He should have known. No matter what happens, this woman standing before him will always be there for him

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