Chapter 14

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Toni waited until we sat down to dinner before jumping up, "Okay, two down, one more and Florida will be cleansed, just one--"

"And then what? We move on to Georgia? Alabama? Till we get to New York?" Mercy didn't sound angry. Looking around, everyone was tired, they've been putting in extra hours training.

"Yes!" Toni's face lit up with zeal, "That's why we're all here, isn't it? To get rid of this menace no matter the cost!" Toni slammed her hands on the table far angrier than the simple question called for.

I was still surprised Kitty and Ethel had nothing to say against this plan. Ethel had made it clear she didn't want to destroy her kind. So either she had another plan or we weren't meant to live through this.

"But we could use a break," Heala didn't look high for the first time since I met her, eyes focused, her voice firm.

"Break? While innocents suffer and we have a real chance to do something about it?"

"Yes, a break Toni," Lighting chimed in, "You obviously need one too."

"We need a better plan too," Brad spoke, "The last one didn't exactly work out so well."

"Fine!" Toni stalked out of the room.

"What was that about?" I whispered to Brad who shrugged.

Shadow passed me a napkin. I was about to refuse when I saw the writing on it. "She is no longer helpless. It can be addictive."

Great, the only person who knew the whole story was mute. Well, that wasn't entirely true. I didn't know where to find Ethel but I could probably track down Kitty.

After dinner everyone went their separate ways. I tried to trace the steps from my room to Kitty's but got lost after the second right turn.

Great! What were the chances of me running into someone. I sat down on the cold metal floor, leaning against the cold metal walls. I guess I could spend the night here, hope someone finds me in the morning.

"I hear you're looking for me," Kitty walked out of nowhere.

To my credit, I didn't jump three feet off the ground this time. "I was, got lost."

Kitty quirked an eyebrow, "Do you expect me to ask as to why?"

"Oh." Why did I feel stupid? She did just walk out of thin air; I was allowed to be caught off guard. "I have questions, about how all this started."

"Well," Kitty snapped her fingers and the ground we were standing on shifted. Suddenly we were in Kitty's room where she flopped down on her couch, "the popular theory is that there was a Big Bang and viola, the universe was born."

Any hope I had of getting answers deflated. "Nevermind," I turned to leave.

"You may have to be more specific," Kitty called after me.

I didn't feel like playing games but...I stopped mid-step. If there was a chance of getting answers...

I turned around, "What are you?"

"Me?" She smirked.

"All of you, the so-called gods."

She pouted, "So-called? How do you know we aren't really gods?"

"Are you?" A game, this was all a game to her, "Forget it."

Kitty laughed, "For the love of--" suddenly her smile dropped replaced by a deep-seated rage, "What did he see in you?"

I backed away wondering if it would do any good to run.

She smirked, "At least you're afraid of us. Ethel made them forget."

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