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We rode in silence listening to the radio, as I look out the window daydreaming my phone goes off

Ninja: hey sweetness, I'm just informing you I'll be super busy for the next few days with work

Me: ok, I'm going to be busy with work myself. We have to get plans set up for the coming tour, that they have yet to ask nor told me about it yet. My boss back in the states let it slip and told me about their plans ahead of time lol

Ninja: oh 😳

Me: but I'm not going to let them know that I already know.

Ninja: why not princess

Me: because from what I was told I'm not supposed to know just yet, that's why
Ninja: who else knows about this?

Me: just you and my four coworkers that are also over here with me assigned to other groups

Ninja: oh

Me: yeah. I don't want to hurt them by letting on that I already know what's to go down

Ninja: fair enough.

Ninja: I'll try to message you on what free time I can steal



I turned off my phone screen and away just as I realized we were pulling into the driveway. I look in the backseat to see all 3 of them fast asleep. I chuckled to myself. I Unbuckled my seat belt and got out and was handed my truck keys.

I opened the back passenger door to wake them up and inform them we were home. As they wake up and climb out the truck with the help of the other guys into the house.

"Jinnie who's going to order the food, I'm starved’

"Do you want anything specific Wolfie?" Jin asks me

"I want that meat that melts in your mouth " I replied

  "Jin just order what we normally do but triple it" joonie says from upstairs leaning over the Bannister

Jin walks into the kitchen to start placing the food order as I make my way to the gameroom, wanting to play music and pool. As I walk in I see Jimin and Hobi and Tae already setting up the pool table.

"cupcake, care to join us, now we can play in teams" tae says to me.

"Sure, I'll be on hobi's team," I replied as I turned on the music.

We got started. It was hobi's turn when Jin and Joonie came in

"Who Wants Drinks" carrying boxes of chilled beer with a name i couldn't pronouce t save my life

"Here you go sweetness" jinnie says to me as he hands me a watermelon flavored one.when i take a sip, my eyes roll back in my head to an amazing fruity alcoholic beverage.

sitting on a barstool watching hobi and tae take their shots, sipping on my 3rd drink when jimin steps in front of me, leaning backwards between my legs propping an arm on the table next to us. For we are both waiting on our turn, when I feel his hand on my knee caressing it with his thumb. i felt the heat spread throughout my body, pretty sure my face turned pink from the heat i started feeling sending a shiver up my spine just from his touch.

"Jimin, it's your turn," Tae says. Before I could say anything to Hobi about his hand he swiftly moved to the pool table.

(Ding ding, ding dong)

"Food must be here"

getting off the stool I was sitting in to head to the front door, in my wake following me was Jin and joonie. It was in fact the food, we showed them where to go and set everything up. As they set everything up, I had the task of rounding up some buzzed guys playing pool

"dinner time’ I called out as I reached the doorway of the game room. One by one, they placed the pool sticks down and headed to the dining room. As we file into the dining room to eat, I end up sitting in between joonie and jk

As we eat, we talk about random things we all enjoy doing, listening, eating, reading. Simple things. While still drinking. After we finish. The maid starts cleaning up as we head back to the game room to finish the game we started, it is still early in the evening to go to bed just yet.  Hobi and Tae ended up winning the game

"I got lana this round guys" joonie said


jk and jinnie formed a team to play against me and joonie. We had played 5 rounds of pool in total. I looked over on the wall to see the clock to see what time it was 2:30am.

"Guys, I think it's time we all head to bed, we have to be at the HYBE headquarters by 10am.’

I stumbled my way to head up stairs to my room, after changing into nightclothes, I flopped onto my bed pulling my phone out of my pocket connecting it to the charging cord I started to think about ninja (I end up drunk texting him

Me:hey hotness, started thinking about you,.so I'm texting you

Ninja: funny, I was thinking of you as well

Me:😁😁😁😁 I had a blast, I'm drunk and so are BTS.

Ninja: oh, I got drunk myself with family

Me:niiiiiice, i wonder how your touch and kisses would feel like. i bet they would be aheaven

Me: wish I knew what you looked and sound like

Ninja: one day you will know, i promise

Me: really!!!!!!


Ninja: what!!!!?????


Me: oh well maybe one day we will finally meet in person

Ninja: maybe we already have and you just didn't know it kitten

Me: WAIT, WHAT!!!!!

Ninja: 😉

Me: are you in South Korea too????

Ninja: yes, sweetness, I just never gave you full details of my location

Me:fair enough

Me: I'm sleepy

Ninja: get some sleep princess, dream of us

I had fallen asleep already. I hadn't heard anyone come into my room.
They took my shoes off and covered me with the throw cover from the foot of the bed, placed my purse on the dresser, took my phone and deleted the Convo me and ninja had had before falling into a deep slumber and placing a kiss on my forehead whispering

"good night, we love you" walks out closing the door……….

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