Chapter 0

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Chapter 0 : Prologue


He shivered as he wrapped his arms around himself trying to keep warm, his hoodie and jeans he wore weren't warm enough in this winter snow. He's glad he decided to pack his winter boots just in case, as they were now keeping his feet warm —as warm as they can be stepping through inches of thick snow— the best they can. The snow flew and ran around his, and he could barely see more than a couple meters in front of him, his vision white with snow, and having to close his eyes every few seconds as to not get blinded. Stopping next a tree he took a glance behind him, maybe I shouldn't have left my cabin, I should've turned back when the blizzard started... he grimaced as a shiver ran down his spine again. The power and heating had shut off and he had woken up freezing a few hours past midnight, dreadfully, he had forgotten to plug his phone in as he slept and he barely was hanging onto one percent of battery, enough to left his check the time and to attempt to call the owner of the cabin he was renting for the week, only to get no response and for his phone to die. But instead of staying in the cabin and try to stay warm with the blankets in the closet, he decided to head down the road to one of the neighboring cabins to ask about whether they too had lost their power; too lazy to travel up to the main road he decided to take a shortcut through the forest, which was his first mistake, his second was not turning back when he noticed the snow started falling harder, ending with his walking during a blizzard wearing a thin hoodie and jeans —at least he had the sense to change into jeans and not keep on the shorts he had went to sleep in.

Rubbing his numbing hands on his arms, and squinted through the snow and trees, trying to spot the neighboring cabins or some distance lights, but was seeing nothing. "Fuck..." he whispers through chattering teeth. He took a deep breath, the cold air piercing his lungs, before he started his walk again; he was already out too far, he might as well continue, it's not like he can find his way back when he can't when see the next tree before him.

He walked for who knows how long, everything felt numb, he gave up looking forward for looking down at his legs to make sure they are indeed moving and not merely standing there frozen. As the snow flooded his vision more and more, his legs felt weakened and he struggled to step after step; before he could try to tell what was going on, his legs gave out and he fell into the snow, the only thoughts going through his mind, cold... so cold...


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