Chapter 19-Drunken kissing

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A/N: This is dedicated to someone who's encouraged me to keep writing this story since the beginning, I don't know how far it would have come without you.<3


Jinxx's POV (Didn't expect that, did you?;))~

I hang up the phone with Belle and look to Sammi with a sigh. "She isn't just a fan, is she babe?" She asks from the edge of the bed. I shake my head rubbing my temples. No, she wasn't. She was actually an ex photographer of ours. Her and Ashley used to hook up constantly. That picture looked new though..."Why didn't you tell her?"

"Because I could be wrong." I reply, pulling a shirt over my head. "I'm going to go talk to him." I say walking towards the hotel door.

"No black eyes, you have to play a show tonight." I hear her say before I close the door behind me and make my way down the long hallway to Ashley's room. Usually we're all in a close proximity of each other, but this time it was an unexpected hotel stay, so me and Sammi ended up at the end of the hallway on one floor, with Ashley at the other. CC was a floor under us, and Andy and Jake ended up sharing a room along with Juliet and Ella on the first floor. Finally I made it to Ashley's room and knocked. He best be alone. He opened the door and looked a little surprised. I raised an eyebrow showing him Sammi's phone, I had left mine with her so I could just keep the picture pulled up.

His eyes drop to the ground. "It's not how it looks." He says looking from it and back up to me.

"Then what the hell is it Ashley?" I ask as he lets me in with a sigh. He doesn't want to tell me, I can tell, and quite honestly I don't really want to hear it. Nothing he has to say could make it okay. "Did you cheat on her?" I ask bluntly. He shakes his head.

"Not exactly." He says not meeting my gaze.

"Not exactly?"He shakes his head again. "She's kissing you, are you kissing her?" He sighs, and after a few minutes of silence he nods. "Fuck Ashley, that counts as cheating." I say locking the phone and slipping it into my jeans pocket.

"It was one kiss, she kissed me first I just..." He said trying to talk his way out of this.

"You just kissed her back." I cut him off. He meets my gaze for a minute and nods slightly. "Lucky for you I was told I wasn't allowed to give you a black eye." I say turning to walk out. "How long was this kiss of yours?" I ask turning to look at him again. He's too quiet. "You fucking made out with her, didn't you, Ash?" He rubs his face with a moan.

"I was drunk." He says sitting on the bed looking down. I shake my head and slam the door as I leave.

"Well?" Sammi asks the minute I walk into our room. I hand her back her phone and sit next to her on the bed with a sigh.

"He made out with her." I say looking over at her. Her mouth drops. "He claims he was drunk." I'm sure he was, he was almost always drunk, but he control's himself better than anyone I know while drunk.

"What are you gonna do?" I honestly don't know, I manage a shrug before laying back down. Hopefully Belle won't call back for a while.

Ashley's POV~

I'm really surprised Jinxx didn't punch me. He should have. I wish he would have. I deserved it. I had a perfect girl friend who I had just hurt, and probably lost. I had really screwed up this time. I sigh and lay back on the bed. "Please answer." I mumble as I listen to the phone ringing. Voice mail. Either she's asleep, or she's beyond pissed, or both...I must of fallen back asleep because I woke up to my phone ringing. Hoping it's Belle I answer as quick as possible, not checking the number. "Hello?"

"Hi Ash." That's not Belle's voice. It's her's. The person I probably lost the love of my life over.

"I told you not to call me." I say before hanging up and sighing. This isn't gonna be a good day.

Annabelle's POV~

It's 3 a.m. and I'm awake puking my guts out. What the hell's wrong with me? I crawl back into my bunk and curl up under my four huge blankets. What? I got cold at night. My whole head was pounding, I felt weak, I was exhausted, everything ached. This came on quickly, I haven't been around anyone the past few days except Will, and he wasn't sick. Where did this come from? I sigh and bury my face into my pillow. I must have woken Will up because I felt a hand on my forehead, that was a good idea, I hadn't thought about having a fever, and I must not have because a few minutes later all he gave me was a water bottle, no pain meds. I took it gratefully and dozed back off.

The sunshine woke me up, that was another cause for all my blankets, so I could hide under them. I sighed and looked out the window. We were parked? "Hey, Will?" I say, wondering if he's awake.

"How do you feel?" He asks moving my curtain and sitting next to me a few minutes after I called him.

"Better than I did last night. Thanks for taking care of me." I say, remembering waking up multiple times and always having water, or aspirin, or whatever else I needed. "Where are we?"

"Chicago." He says with a nod.

"I thought we weren't supposed to get here until like 5 p.m.?" I ask looking up at him.

"It's seven thirty Belle." Sound check was supposed to have happened an hour and a half ago. "I had them cancel the show. You aren't in any shape to play." He is seriously my bestfriend. "There's also a doctor here if you'd like to see one?" I nod, that might not be such a bad idea. Ashley popped back into my mind and I sighed. Maybe I'd text Jinxx in a bit whenever I found my phone in this mess of a bed.

I couldn't believe what I was hearing. The timing made since, it all made since, but it couldn't be happening. Not now. Not when I thought Ashley was cheating, and we were both on separate tours, and we'd be touring for the rest of the year almost. This was too soon. We weren't ready for a...a child. I rubbed my temples while Will rubbed circles on my back. My phone vibrated and I handed it to Will, not wanting to deal with anyone right now. He read the text and then showed it to me, what I read made my heart sink.

He admitted to it all Belle...I'm sorry.-J

Ashley had cheated on me. I don't know what all he had done, but it didn't matter. It was enough Jinxx had agreed to just text it instead of call me about it later like he wanted to too. I was done. I knew this would happen. Now I was pregnant with an unfaithful rockstar's child. Who was to say he'd even stand by me through this? I just shook my head. I knew what I had to do, the last thing I ever wanted to do...I had to leave Ashley.


A/N: So, I already have the rest of this story planned out for the most part. Just in case anyone's suspicious of this, I doubt it, but just in case you are, William and Belle will never be more than friends. I had no plan for that to ever happen, and I still don't.

Anyway I think I could just keep updating, as long as I have my laptop, so when you want one, let me know. A big twist is coming up.

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