Sparring with Grimes

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Tap-ta-ta-tap-thwack! The sound of my fists connecting with the punching bag echoed through out the makeshift gym. Not very many people came down here to work out. The residents of Alexandria were soft, too soft. They didn't understand the true dangers that lurked around every corner.

I, for one wasn't going to let that happen to me. I knew what was out there and it wasn't pretty. With no type of structure out in the world, people became savages. Pillage, rape and murder; the apocalypse just threw us back into the middle ages. It was disgusting on so many levels.

Aaron, Alexandria's resident seeker, brought back a rather large group of dirty, scared and weary survivors. Seeing them reminded me of what I was like when I was brought in. Being in Alexandria had almost made mw go soft, but I was glad when they showed up. It told me that I needed to get back on my game.

I met the group and they were a decent bunch. The poor souls just suffered from a sever case of PTSD. Their leader, Rick Grimes seemed to have a decent head on his shoulders. In fact he was suppose to be meeting me here within the hour.

Tap-ta-tap-thwack! I kicked the punching bag to hard and it swung back and knocked me on my ass. "Uhgg!" I breathed out, my eyes closed.

"Are you alright?" A male voice asked.

My body twitched as I opened my eyes. Rick stood over me, a smile on his face and laughter in his eyes. Did I mention that he was absolutely gorgeous? I smiled and laughed. "Yeah, I'm good."

Rick held out his hand and I gladly took it. He pulled me up with no problem and looked at me from my feet to my hair. I blew my bangs out of my face and took in just how close we were standing together.

Rick cleared his throat and went over to the punching bag. He wore a dark blue tshirt and black gym shorts... Which he filled out nicely. It made me glad that I didn't have any plans because it just meant I'd get to spar longer with Rick.

"You ready?" He asked, holding the bag.


"Now remember to keep your arms close to your body."

We alternated between punches and kicks and even some combos. My heart sped up though when Rick took hold of me. He grabbed my wrists, positioning my arms a certain way.

"To block a kick your arms need to be about here."

In a quick move, I had spun from Rick's grasp and had his arm pinned behind his back. The look of shock on his face was purely comical. I laughed and released his arm. We sparred some more, accidently hitting one another too hard at least once.

He threw me for a loop when he swept my legs out from under me. I landed with a "Ooof." and my head smacked the mat rattling my brain. Rick landed on top of me officially winning the pin.

Rick's hand rested on my neck. "You okay?" He was between my legs and I could feel EVERY last muscle.

I looked from his lips to his eyes. "Oh yeah." He licked his lips slowly and I swallowed loudly. "Never better." With the softest touch he ran his hand down my neck and over my breast, pausing to gently squeeze me through my sports bra.

All the while he looked into my eyes, his breathing deep and steady. His hand continued it's journey down my stomach, his finger tracing my belly button and the top of my pants. Then he cupped my sex.

I arched my back and bit my lip on a moan. I was already turned on before Rick showed up and obviously he could feel the heat raidiating from me. He smirked and leaned down to whisper in my ear. "Something you want to tell me?"

His finger tips tickled me through the fabric of my pants and I lost sense of speech.

"Don't get shy on me now Y/N." He chuckled. He stopped touching me and propped himself up on his hands, his pelvis rubbing against mine.

"Oh god.." I gulped two breaths of air before answering him. "I want you so damn bad."

He leaned down and kissed me, "You're going to have to work for it." He teased.

I raised my eyebrow. A challenge that I'm more than willing to accept. I hooked my leg around his and flipped him over, triumph making my smile wider. Rick took my sports bra off and palmed my breasts then pinched my hard nipples. I skimmed my hands under his shirt and placed them on his chest for support.

With lightening speed he had me on my back again and flipped me over onto my stomach. "I win." He said, both hands massaging my back. He hooked his fingers into the waist band of my pants and pulled them down exposing my back side.

Rick dipped his finger into my wetness and grunted at how wet I was. He inserted another finger, making me moan out his name loudly.

He removed his hands completely from my body to remove his pants. He leaned over me again, grasping my hips.

"Is this what you want?" He whispered. I could feel the head of his shaft tease my entrance.

"Yes!" I panted.

Slowly he entered me, teasing me with long strokes. Once buried all the way inside me, he groaned and palmed my breasts. Rick pulled me up, the back of my head resting against his shoulder with my lap resting in his putting him at a deliciously new angle.

Using muscles that we both hadn't used used in a while, we rocked and grinded. He set sloppy, wet kisses down my neck and shoulder, even a bite or two along the way. Rick's right hand skimmed down from my breast to my mound where he rubbed fast circles on my hard nub.

Our pants became shorter and louder as we neared the edge. "Come with me." He gasped into my ear. I wrapped my arms around his neck to hold on to as our orgasams hit us with a force that had us doubling over.

I was sated, more relaxed that I'd been in a long time and from the looks of Rick, him as well. Facing one another, we smiled lazy smiles. He pulled me to him and kissed me.

"Never had a better work out."

I snorted and laughed as I wrapped my arms around his waist.

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