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Important! This is about the story so please listen. 

I want to give a couple of warnings about this story. 

Warning 1: is that this story will not primarily be a love story in any way. There is practically no romance between Iris and James until like 5th year which is A LOT of chapters ahead. Also, Iris will have other love interests and I cannot guarantee that she will end up with James but only that he is the main love interest. 

Warning 2: the story of Iris compared to the story of Lily is completely different until the end when they sort of merge together. 

Warning 3: Iris towards the end is a little morally grey as she has an insatiable want for power as well as happiness, so I thought I would warn y'all now that you might not always agree with her actions. 

Warning 4: Iris is a combination of who I strive to be and who I am now. So please if you dislike Iris's character stop reading instead of being rude. This might count as a fifth warning, but it sorts of mixes with this one. I know that everybody wants to relate to the character they are reading about and maybe that will be the case with Iris because I most definitely do (probably because I wrote her) so I will give you a little run down of what she is like so you can leave if it is a real deal breaker. Iris is the definition of ambitious to the point where I can safely say that she would have been a Slytherin if it wasn't important to the plot for her to be a Gryffindor. Her main goal is to achieve what she wants and to do it in the fastest way possible. Iris will make mistakes and a lot of them, but I warn you she is not an awkward person, and she does not mess up in school. Her grades are perfect, she is popular to some extent, and she also has major anger management issues.

I hope that these things aren't deal-breakers and you guys will love this story as much as I do. I also have an exciting announcement to make. THIS STORY WILL HAVE SEQUELS! YOU HEARD ME SEQUELS. PLURAL. I am already so excited. Perhaps when we hit 10K I will tell you the love interests of the story will be because I can't tell you who the main characters will be because it will spoil too much. Thank you for reading and I hope that you guys will enjoy the next chapter.

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