I. The return

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➷ ·˚ ༘ ACT ONE, The missing Mikaelson

➷ ·˚ ༘ — ACT ONE, The missing Mikaelson

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CHAPTER ONE | The return

| ❛ Us against the world❜ |

Madelyn Mikaelson woke up unfamiliar with her surroundings, she rested a hand on her forehead as she sat up

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Madelyn Mikaelson woke up unfamiliar with her surroundings, she rested a hand on her forehead as she sat up.

Madelyn looked around to see she was in some old aesthetic room, she grasped the bed sheets that were too soft to be hers.

"It seems you have woken up," a blonde voice said leaning against the door frame.

"Who the hell are you and what did you do to me" Madelyn snapped as she got off the bed irritated. Soon enough she was back on the bed, pressing hard against her forehead

The blonde quickly rushed over to Madelyn side, she sat on the edge of Madelyn's bed. " I'm Freya, your aunt. I met you once before your mother sent you away "

Madelyn rolled her eyes " that still doesn't explain how I got here " Madelyn sat up crossing her arms tight against her chest.

" your definitely a Mikaelson, Madelyn " Freya said with a light smile before standing up.

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