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This is kind of a cheat in my publishing schedule since it isn't directly connected to the main story (yet). I did want to get it out though so if you're interested, enjoy:

The night was darker than usual. It was partly thanks to the new moon but also the work of a spell. A pair of eyes opened up in the shadow of the barricade and glinted, reflecting what little light there still was. With a dash, the owner of it was on the other side of the clear land between the two camps. He made sure to be quiet; after all, he was on a rescue mission.

His effort was in vain, though, as an ambush was waiting for him at the tree line. A hundred lights were lit at once, effectively blinding him long enough for three cloaked figures to tie his hands up. When the lights died down, he found himself surrounded by three hooded figures. Their features were hidden under heavy green cloaks, but their scent was stronger than ever.

The man on mission cracked a wicked smile and laughed. It sounded to be somewhere between a howl and a growl as he shifted his physical form. Before his transformation could be completely done, a handful of dirt was thrown into his face. His mind wavered for a moment before going black and his form reverting back to something looking like a cross between a human and a wolf.

"You were right as always," a female voice spoke up as the largest of the trio hefted the unconscious shapeshifter on his shoulders.

"Of course I was right," the third and smallest of them spoke. "I can see the future, you birdbrain."

"So what are we gonna do with him?" The female spoke again. "We can't just..." she tilted her head, stopping abruptly. "Never mind. We need to leave now."

"What did you hear?" The man asked, knowing his partner all too well.

"Shadow benders"

The three figures Quickly retreated into the woods surrounding their camp. They weren't prepared for shadow bender, although they could get away in time. They stalked through the forest and climbed the trees with their guest still on the shoulder of the large man.  The woman who heard the benders stayed behind and waited as the sounds of swift movement got closer. She had one advantage that could drive the dark creatures out of the camp, but she needed her comrades to be safe first.

Her hearing focused, and she heard the exact moment the last of five shadow-benders entered the camp. As they left, the silent alarm set up specifically for her ears only. She closed her eyes and took a deep breath. Her body started burning in the literal sense of the word, and as her cloak gave in, she spread her wings, bathing the forest in light. The benders were forced to reveal themselves, and as they did so, they were also spotted by the silent guards. Before they could do anything, the benders were shot down.

"Remind me not to look directly at you when you do that, please," one of the guards walked up to the phoenix.

"I have," she remarked. "Several times, actually."

"We're ready, by the way." the guard motioned toward the hanging camp of the leader. "They are only waiting for you."

With a resigned sigh, the phoenix launched herself into the air, landing gracefully on the branch that led into the tent. There were ten creatures already in a circle in there. They all knew they were going to die from this, but there was no other way. They had to set off an event that would shake all the world so much that they would at least lay down their arms and stop fighting. Their island was getting too exposed for a place so remote.

"Are you sure you want to do this?" the phoenix asked as she arrived.

"Yes," the answer was unanimous.

They started casting the spell by opening a small portal. The trick was to make it large enough for the island to fit through it. It required a spell long forgotten as it was using up the magical essence of all of them. The phoenix said the words, and the portal started glowing, creating a glow bigger than anything in all the four worlds ever created. The portal opened and woke everybody still in the village.

The inhabitants were aware of what was to come, and they were more than happy to get away from the world that seemed to be the center of all fighting. With a final glance at each other, the eleven creatures disappeared into the growing magic of the portal, leaving the worlds forever, just as the island left its world for the rest of time.

A journey of peace - GOU book 1Where stories live. Discover now