#! why are you here!?

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I thought it was easy to find out who the person was seeing that I mention him in the STORY ALREADY☹☹😞


"So he's your cousin?" Cyno asked.

You all had left the haunted house and was now sitting at a table eating ice cream. Because who doesn't like ice cream.


"Not like I want to be related to you." Scaramouche replied back.

You rolled your eyes at his words and continued to lick your ice cream. Between you and Scaramouche, he's the youngest so you always acted like the superior one. Jokes aside since he's one to let out nasty words to people you always protected him or like back him up in your own way.

We all know that Scaramouche isn't his real name he just let's everyone else who isn't his family use that name because in his words "They don't deserve to say my name". He always said that since young and didn't let go of it so as of right now you have to call him Scaramouche and not Kunikuzushi because you're with Cyno.



Cyno looked at both of you then went back to his ice cream. He was thinking about the new information he learned about you. Then remembered something.

Too late though, Scaramouche beat him to it.

"Y/n you didn't disagree with what I said."


"So you have a boyfriend now?"

"WHAT. No I don't have one." I told him with a blank look on my face. He had a smile on his own as he rest his head in the palm of his hands.

"Why isn't he denying it?" He said turning his attention to Cyno.

Sadly Cyno wasn't paying attention and was confused. All he let out was a "huh" and Scaramouche mentally slapped himself.

"Forget about it."
Scaramouche told him then sat up.

"Why are you here anyways?" You asked him, not in a mean way you always enjoyed his company.

"My mother and our aunt wanted to come down for the holidays but we decided to come down early." The first half sounded true but the second half sounded like Scaramouche just wanted to come down for Halloween. Or.

"Or you wanted to see me early right?"
You said with the biggest brightest smile known to man.

"Fuck no." He said rolling his eyes.

"Woah swear word."

"Would you shut up."

"Should I just leave?"
The new voice alerted both of us from our conversation. You forgot Cyno was here, he was too quiet.

"Ah uh..-"

"No need for that I was just about to leave." Your cousin said as he began to stand up

"Have fun guys. Not too much fun."

You and Cyno both sighed at the words as Scaramouche just smiled at the reactions and left.

"So what now?" I asked him. He shrugged his shoulders and looked at his fingers.




You both decided that you both should go back home and here you are making your way inside your house, while Cyno made sure you made it home safely.

Before you could take off your shoes, your aunts came rushing towards you.

"There you are Y/n!" Aunt Makoto came up first.

Aunt Ei just stood behind behind her sister with a smile on her face.

"Aunt Makoto and Ei!" You said with a smile on your face, giving them both a group hug.

You three walked to the living room to meet Kunikuzushi on the couch watching cocomelon with your sister..

"Woah Kunikuzushi I didn't know you watched cocomelon."

"Oh YOU'RE back."

I rolled my eyes as I just sat in the middle of my aunts as we had our own conversation that wad MORE mature than whatever Kunikuzushi was doing.


Later on your mom entered the living room and your aunts and her had their conversation and you joined your sister and cousin with their show.

"Hey kuzu did you know y/n secretly has a boyfriend." Your sister started up with the boy.

He smirked at you and then turned back at your sister.

"I know s/n/n, I saw them today together."

All you let out was a sigh as they both giggle at you.

You pulled out your phone and decided to just annoy Cyno to get away from the evil duo.


cy? no.

should I change your contact name

What do you even have it saved as?

cy? no.

That's kind of cringe.



What? It's the truth.


I don't have you saved.


He wasn't no damn help.

"Finish texting your boyfriend?"

"Kunikuzushi shut your mouth."


maybe I should make a separate book abt your old relationship with cyno and abt your aunts and cousin what do you think🤗?

maybe I should make a separate book abt your old relationship with cyno and abt your aunts and cousin what do you think🤗?

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