This is... calming?

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After a while, you start waking up. You don't recognize where you are but the place seems very calming. You are in a room that looks like a giant pool. The water feels lukewarm and the architecture seems very unique. After a few minutes of exploring you start to take some time to relax before moving on. You have a few sips of almond water and move on. As you walk around you enter a long corridor. While walking you glitch through the floor and fall back into the office except something feels different... The door? It's Decorated differently. You try to open the door but it's locked. You search around for a key but it's nowhere to be found. All you could find was this broken tablet. You remember the old key you used to go through the exit door. You check your backpack to look for the key. You grab the key and put it in the door, unlocking it.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 13, 2022 ⏰

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