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(this is a roleplay I published so I can show my friends) (tcesters kill urself <3)

(Update: The rp was dropped 😔😔 maybe when I get a new good one going I'll add it. [:< I've got a similar situation with Leo and Raph instead!!! *evil angst laughter* )

Leon was quick. As his arm came up to bring his three fingered hand behind his own head and grip the helm of his swords. The sound of metal being released from it's casing echoed with a satisfying sharpness. Though now was different, Leonardo wasn't fighting any kraang, or foot clan. He was fighting his own mutant brother. The purple masked turtle standing opposite of Leonardo. The confidence that radiated off of himself, spreading that smug wide grin across his face. Leonard's chest rippled with a chuckle as he readied himself, the whole generation of his Jupiter Jim comic collection was on the line and no way in hell would he let that go so easily. The duel wielding ninja gave his katanas a couple spins weaving the handles in between his fingers. "Why so shy, Dee? Regretting your decision already? Where's that awesome tech?" Leonardo taunted his softshell brother. His blue's glimmering with excitement and just pure unkempt pride. He loved his brother, but Leonardo wasn't going easy on Donnie. He knew the purple clad turtle could take a hit, they all could. That was the fun part, a fight worth while. Someone who could hold their own against the skilled blue accented warrior. This would be fun.

[Ci]leo may be quick, but donnie is quicker. as the blue bearing turtle reached for the blades upon his shell donnie would bare his own weapon, the bo staff swinging out and clashing hard against the metal swords. donnie almost swore he saw a few sparks get kicked up from the impact as the sharp sound violated the softshells eardrums. but donnie held out, keeping his ground against the attack. a wicked smile cracking out from behind his lips with a devilish glare in his eyes. a plan was already in his head in case the brother persisted in his head on assault. yet it would be shoved to the back burned as leonardo pulled himself back, spinning the swords with narcissistic behavior clear in his throat.

[Ci]but donnies narcissism was nearly enough to rival that of his brothers own. the purple stepping back with that victory-seeking grin still wide on his face.

[Ci]"oh far from shy, brother o' mine." as donnie spoke he took his bo, twirling it in a taunting manner similar to that of leos own. "i just figured it nice to give my younger brother a winning chance." donnie had to suppress the wild laugh that rippled in his chest, the near-insane cackle slipping into his words. "but, if its a fight you want," then in one swift movement, melding together with tech and mystic arts, the staff had two large jet powered fists form from them, along with donnies battle shell clicking open and four large spider-like arms pulling out. "then a fight you shall get." A press of a button and a leap in the air and like that donnie became a blur, the bo staff jetting him off the ground as swirls of purple, green, and grey spun violently about. the only direction donnie truly had however being in the spider legs and his jump off. the motion sent him flying towards the twin. that devilish laugh finally escaping and rippling through the air as hubris befell donnie with a straight forward attack towards his brother. [Ci]the second donnie grew close enough it almost seemed like time slowed down for a split second, in the blur that donnie became he was clear for just a moment as wide and eager eyes stared the red-eared slider down. then in leos sight came a large purple metallic fist going straight for his skull, accompanied by the jets that got him so close in the first place. you'd almost think that donnie was truly going for blood here.

Leo swore he could feel his stomach do a 180 and make a run for it if not for Leon's own skin. His eyes went wide for a good second as he watched his own brother grow an onslaught of weaponry. He didn't even know what to call it. It seemed the weight of his heart dropping held Leonardo to the ground like a deer in the headlights. Unable to make a quick escape before things got too close. A flash of Donnie's colors were seen in confusing spirals of energy around the blue clad turtle and It left him disoriented. He hadn't expected this type of thing, especially not from Donnie. When Leon was only looking for a fight Donatello tenfolded this and gave Leon a war. It was so quick how his confidence dropped after a simple parry and now Donnie was bringing out some bone shattering equipment. Almost like Donatello was waiting, timing himself to use these. Reality seemed to knock itself back through the mutant's head within the last seconds as the softshell brother charged dead straight like an arrow headed for Leon's head. Without thinking Leonardo made a leftward dive. He could feel the wind rush past him as he missed the oncoming attack by mere inches. The uncalculated dodge left Leonardo fumbling to the floor in a clumsy manner. He let out a grunt of discomfort as he recovered himself and stumbled onto his feet. Leonardo knew he'd have to be quick, very quick. Donatello was one of the fastest brothers besides Mikey. The grip around his katanas became tighter, and the careless grin had melted off to form a concentrated scowl. The red slider raised his left arm to slice a clockwise portal cutting through the air. A quick plan to further himself from the tech-obsessed mutant. Leonardo didn't land on his ass this time as the blue ninja found his way out a good fifteen feet away. It wouldn't give him a comforting amount of time but it was enough to work with even though it would be a struggle. Through the slight confusion Leonardo planned something simple. He'd have to avoid the obvious, and to find a weak spot would be hell. Though Leonardo knew his brother. He relied on machines, but Donatello was clumsy. Leonardo could use this to his advantage and just as he realized it the smile returned to his face. He came down to the floor and just as quickly shot himself upwards. It would be a lot of portal work, but that was easy. As another classic blue doorway appeared Leonardo was gone. Within seconds he was on the other side of Donnie and flying towards the turtle, fast. The clash of his weapons echoing harshly as Donatello defended against the obvious attack. The slider used this impact to push himself upwards once more and carry out another onslaught of swings towards the robotic assistant arms. He didn't know anything about tech, but on top of Donnie's clumsy manners there had to be a spot. A spot to hit, to break the overpowered machinery. While Leo thought this out and searched for an opening, he was desperately dodging the scarily fast robotic arms. Coming too close for comfort as Leonardo yelped, feeling the cold sting of metal brushing his skin as he just barely made a backwards tuck into another portal. Once again dropping in from above as the advantage of height.

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