chapter 9 : soulmates

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Chapter 9 was here babies. Hope you will enjoy 💜

Yoongi : king i donno that you was tae's ( yoongi shutteres in low voice that can't be heard by tae and jimin because of party DJ starts )

Junkook side eyed and signalled yoongi to not expose his identity. Jimin stares at yoongi because of his panic and odd behaviour

Jimin: baby is there any problem??

Yoongi : no.... Nothing at all

Kook: so chim is these your husband

Chim : no he is my bf but soon to be my husband... (Blushes)

Kook: hooo soo your name mr.....

A/n : 2022 oscar goes to 🐰

Yoongi: yoongi (clears his throat) Min yoongi...

Kook : soo mr. Min yoongi you are so lucky to have chimmy

Yoongi: i know that king( slips his tongue bcz he always call him that)

Tae: yoongi hyung why are you calling him king... I noticed it before also.. You calls him king twice.... Wae??

Kook and min yoongi looks each other

Kook cursed under his breath wtf

Yoongi: uhh.. Did i call him that... ( scratches his nap )but i don't remember.. It.... Seems like you misheard me... Anyway he is the king of these queen ( grabs tae's bread cheeks and squeezes it)

Tae : (blushes ) uhhh hyung stop it...

But someone was burning in anger. Yes our mr. Jeon is jeonless. Because someone layed his hand on his property.

(Ik the dress changed assume that it was the same or he put a suit on it😁)

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(Ik the dress changed assume that it was the same or he put a suit on it😁)

Kook fisted his hand.... Yoongi releases his hand from tae's cheek and smiles and looks at kook. And slowly his smile droped

Yoongi : (gulped) (in low voice whisper to kook's ear king)... Is there any problem....

Kook grabs yoongi s hand and shakes his hand.. For viewers it was just a handshake. But for yoongi his fingers each bone crashes... Kook squeezes yoongi's hand harshly

Yoongi maintained his normal face and smiles at vmin and kook

Yoongi: glads to meet you mr. Jeon junkook

Kook: (leans toward yoongi and whisper in his ears) how dare you to toch my tae's cheek.... Take these as your punishment hyung.... Don't repeat it.. ( he then laughs and acts like he jokes to yoongi ) aww glad to meet you also hyung.... ( grit his teeth)

While vmin watching these two

Tae: wow, they look soo good together

Jimin: bitch i think they will become perfect soulmates like us...

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