Chapter 15

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Ji Hyun told the last place she found as she knew Lee Yeon and his team will go to the places mentioned first. There were total 7 places. They reached the first destination in around 40 minutes, but it was no luck, they looked around everywhere but no one was seen, the next place they went had their construction started again.

They went to the next place and Ji Hyun said, “Hurry, we just have a few minutes!!” Yu Ri, frustrated said, “I know that! I’m driving as fast as I can!!” Ji Hyun in worry just prayed to god that both Ji A and Lee Rang would be okay, she didn’t want anyone to get hurt, she felt guilty because of her they got distracted, they thought it was her who was going to be kidnapped or be in any kind of danger.

They reached the place and entered as slowly and calmly as possible but suddenly 2 guys came out of nowhere and one of the guys said, "oh ladies you shouldn't be here!  Get out now!” Yu Ri smiled and said, "oh I think we came to the right place!" and started to fight them and said, “yah tell Lee Yeon-nim that this is the place.” 

Ji Hyun panicked answered, “I don’t have their number!” Yu Ri sighed after beating the guys down. More men came towards them while Yu Ri messaged Shin Joo about the location and told him they found Lee Rang. Other guys came to fight them. Ji Hyun removed her pepper spray and started to spray on them and hit them as hard as she could while the men attacking her were in pain due the spray. 

The number of men increased putting Yu Ri and Ji Hyun on a difficult situation, they tried their best to keep up, Yu Ri who knew fighting was able to save herself by douching and fighting back, but Ji Hyun who was a non fighter barely hung on. She was just hitting without looking, trying to save herself. 

Soon after a voice came, “I think I told you to stay at work Ji Hyun shi!” and suddenly the men who were attacking Yu Ri and Ji Hyun were tackled by Lee Yeon’s men. The three of them ran everywhere to find Lee Rang.

Here Lee Rang who somehow freed himself was out of breath attacking the kidnappers sighed and thought said, “I’m sure he went to save her.” Suddenly a voice came, “little boy! I hear you talking bad about me!” 

Lee Rang looked towards the voice and saw Lee Yeon coming towards him, he started to attack the guy and save Lee Rang, seeing him Lee Rang said, “yah what are you doing here?” 

Lee Yeon sighed and said, “this is not the time to talk, let’s hurry out! Or else this building will collapse any moment. Hearing this Lee Rang started to fight the guys as well and they tried to escape when they could. 

Here Yu Ri fought with the bad guys as they blocked her way, she took out her hair pin and attacked them brutally. She then rushed to see the place was empty she hurried to the next place only to see Ji Hyun trying to escape the clutches of one of the guy. 

She ran towards them and stabbed that guy on his hand making him lose his grip and said, “yah you should have gone out since Lee Yeon’s people came! You can’t even fight.” 

While they were fighting Lee Rang and Lee Yeon came out, seeing them Lee Rang said, “what the hell are you guys doing here!?” Ji Hyun was about to say something but Yu Ri dragged her out while Lee Yeon dragged Lee Rang out.

Lee Yeon seeing his men said, “get out of here hurry!!” They all rushed out even the men Reyon hired, ran to save their lives. They all got near Lee Yeon's car, seeing all three of them were having small injuries. Ji Hyun said, “let me drive.” Lee Yeon nodded appreciating her help and gave her the keys. While Yu Ri turned to Lee Yeon’s men and said, “one of you drive my car to Lee Yeon’s house and the four of them left after Lee Yeon told them they can leave.

To their luck, right after 3 minutes of them leaving they heard a blast-like sound, and it turns out the building had bombs implanted. Ji Hyun panicked hearing that and turned to see but Lee Rang said, “just focus on driving!” Ji Hyun replied, “yes sir!” and drove the car trying to get out the thought of them dying. 

After an 45 minute ride they reached Lee Yeon’s house, even though Lee Yeon was exhausted he ran towards the building to check whether Ji A was okay or not. While Lee Rang and Yu Ri followed behind. 

Lee Yeon sighed at the sight of Ji A fully well and hugged her saying, “I’m glad you are okay!” breaking the hug Lee Yeon said, “Shin Joo ah good job saving Ji A.” Shin Joo smiled and said, “It’s my job. How is Lee Rang-nim? Yu Ri sent me the loctation I forwarded, is she okay!? Where are they both? And how did she know about this?"

Ji A asked, "yeah where is Lee Rang?” as soon as Ji A asked that a voice came, “I’m okay! You don’t have to act worried~” Yu Ri who was behind him was hugged by Shin Joo who asked, “yah! How could you think of going there alone!? You know how dangerous it could have been!?”

Yu Ri broke the hug and said, “I’m okay plus I wasn’t alone.” Hearing this Shin Joo looked at her to continue when Ji Hyun entered after parking the car. Seeing her he asked, “did you go with Yu Ri to find Lee Rang-nim? Have you both gone crazy!?” 

Ji Hyun looked down and said, “I’m sorry it’s just that I couldn’t shake off the bad feeling, and seeing Yu Ri shi I dragged her with me, I’m sorry to put her life in danger! I should have thought deeper about the situation.” Saying this Ji Hyun bowed apologizing. 

Yu Ri sighed and said, “Aye don’t shout at her, because of her we coud save Lee Rang! We reached there just 10 minutes before things could have gone wrong you know!” Shin Joo sighed and said, “I’m not shouting at her for that even thought she should be shouted for that I’m was just concern about you guys!” 

Lee Yeon seeing all this said, “stop talking, first let Ji Hyun come inside at least! And you all get in as well.” All of them got inside and Lee Yeon went near Ji Hyun, looking at him coming near Ji Hyun looked down in guilt. Lee Yeon smiled and patted her head. Lee Rang seeing his brother approaching her was about to say something but stopped.

Ji Hyun looked up feeling him pat her head and Lee Yeon said, “thank you for riskig your life to save him even when you don’t have a close relation! Because of you we could reach the place in time!” 

Ji Hyun just smiled and looked down and said, “well he saved me once as well, plus I’m kind of in your chaotic mess, so I’m glad I could be of any help instead of just being a burden you guys have to protect. Plus Miss Ki Yu Ri helped a lot! She was the one who drove and beaten most of those guys!”  

Lee Yeon smiled at what Ji Hyun said and went towards Yu Ri and patting her head said, “thank you for saving my brother.” Yu Ri scoffed and said, “I saved him because he is important to me not because of you. So I don’t need your thanks.” Lee Yeon nodded in reply and sat down. 

Extra Scene 

While Lee Rang was tied up he had lots of thoughts in his mind because this place was attached with bombs he thought, ‘will anyone save me? What will happen after I die? Will Ji Hyun care about me? That idot my brother will he ever be sad? What about Yu Ri? How will she feel loosing her only best friend? I wish I could spend some more time with everyone!’ 

Lee Rang was out of his thoughts when he heard the people near him shouting, “yah hurry up and go get those two women! How did they arrive so fast?” While the other said, “send more men, one of the girls is very good at fighting!! Hurry we can’t let them have him!” 

Hearing this Lee Rang came to his senses and thought, ‘one of the girls surely is Yu Ri! She came to save me! But what about that other girl? I’m sure she isn’t Ji A wait! Ji Hyun!? Can the second girl possibly be her!? They might have come to save me, how can I think of dying while they are fighting there for me!’ Saying this Lee Rang tried to get out of the rope. Once he freed himself he started to fight them.

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