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"You can do this Robby" Johnny said while trying to motivate Robby
"I'm not sure I can dad, this is one of the biggest things I'm going to do in my whole life!" Robby sighed
"You love Tory don't you?" Johnny asked calmly
"Of course I do!" Robby shouted
"Robby, you guys have been dating for years now, It's time"

"YES but marriage? Won't that scare her?" Johnny looked at his son
"I've seen the way you look at her, I've seen the way your eyes light up when she enters the room, I've seen the way you kiss her, you're in love Robby, that's something I wanted when I was your age, me and Carmen, our life has only just begun together, I just wish we found eachother sooner, Tory has had a hard life, it would do her good to have somebody to offer her a future, somebody to call her own, who knows, maybe you guys will start a family in a few years" Johnny said while smiling

"How long have you been practicing that speech?" Robby laughed, and Johnny punched his sons arm
"You are right though dad, I'm ready to tie the nought, I'm ready to propose to her..."
"What the hell are you doing sitting on my couch then? We've gotta get the girl a ring!"

Tory still lived in the exact same apartment she did 3 years ago, her mother was finally stable, which was a huge weight off of Tory's shoulders, Tory knew that Robby was coming over, so she told Brandon to stay in his room, Tory lit candles around the living room, just to give a more romantic setting. Robby stood at Tory's door, he took a deep breath and then knocked, Robby smiled as Tory opened the door, she looked even more stunning than he remembered

"Hey Robz" Tory said before kissing her boyfriend, they then parted
"Hey Tor" Robby smiled, Robby then came into Tory's apartment, he then sat at Tory's dining table
"The place looks amazing Tor"
"Thanks babe, It was especially for you" Robby placed his hand in Tory's
"I missed you" Tory said smiling
"I missed you too" Tory felt Deja Vu when she heard those words
"Hey Tory!"
"I missed you'
"I missed you too"
"How was Mexico, did you hit up the beach with your dad?"
"Uh, it wasn't really that kind of trip" Tory smiled to herself, remembering that day, but she remembered how that day ended, which made her frown
"You okay babe...?" Robby asked curiously

"Huh? Oh yeah sorry just a bit lost in thought"
"What were you thinking about?" Robby questioned

"Uh, do you remember that day at the waterpark?" Robby tried to think back to that day, and all of a sudden, all of the memories flooded back to him
"Are you trying to blame me for us getting kicked out?"
"I know you won the tournament, and everything is going good for you right now, but by defending them you're apart of the problem"
Robby squinted his eyes, feeling almost ashamed of the things he said to Tory
"I was really immature back then" Tory shook her head with embarrassment
"No Tory, it was my fault!"
"No it was mine, a lot of things that happened in the past were my fault" Robby and Tory both stayed in silence for a moment

"You had a hard life back then Tor" Tory shook her head
"The things I done back then to Sam LaRu-" Robby interrupted Tory
"You had your reasons Tor, Sam forgave you, and you forgave Sam!" Tory laughed

"I guess I should stop looking back at the past, and start looking towards the future" Tory said trying to be positive. Robby then smiled, he then reached into the pocket of his jeans, making sure the ring was still there, Robby looked at Tory and took a deep breath, he then pulled out the ring and sat it on the table
"Your future is sitting right infront of you Tory" Tory gasped
"Is that what I think it is...?" Robby nodded

"Yes... It is Tory, you know, I also had a hard life, before I met Mr LaRusso, I was in an awful place, I was in with the wrong crowd, I was a criminal, but when I met Daniel, everything changed, before I knew it, I was living in a mansion, my life was on the rise" Tory nodded
"Then things started to heat up between me and Sam, we started dating, in secret of course, and we were doing great" Tory laughed
"Are you sure telling me about you and your Ex-Girlfriend's romance is helping your case?' Robby shook his head
"Probably not, but just hear me out"
Tory sighed
"Okay Robz, I'm listening"

"Then, the school fight happened, when I found out she cheated, I fell apart, I was wanted by the police for putting a boy in a coma, I had no one looking out for me, I eventually got handed in to the police by Mr LaRusso, and my life got made hell by other kids in Juvie" Robby sighed
"Then once I got out, I joined Cobra Kai, I started talking to you, and I know we didn't get along at first but, I still cared about you, we then went to prom together, I had the best night of my life with you, when I got home that night, I couldn't believe my luck, I had a beautiful girlfriend, miles out of my league, I fell in love with you, and now look at us, 3 years down the line, I'm ready Tory, I want to marry you, So what do you say, Tory Nichols, Will you marry me?"

Tory smiled, she then started crying
"YES, I'll marry you Robby Keene" Robby the leaned across the table, he crashed his lips against Tory's, he then pulled away to say
"I Love you Tory"
"I Love you too Robby"

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