For You | chapter 30

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Melodys pov

"melody do you feel like you already know strangers when you speak to them?" ms jones asked. "i don't know" i mumbled.

"let me ask in a easier way hmm" she nodded with a smile on her face and i slowly nodded.

"when you first meet someone you've never spoke to how do you feel." she asked making me understand better.

"uhh i want to be their friends i don't know. i have a urge to put my trust in them and be nice because you never know what they have went through" i shrugged.

"but melody a lot of people feel that way. it's called empathy" ms jones said. "i know what empathy is" i side eyed her.

"so what's the difference between you and them" she asked and i stayed silent not knowing.

"i can tell you" she said making my eyes travel towards her. "you have a urge to be nice melody, other people do it from the kindness of their heart. you do it because you can't help it." she pursed her lips.

"so what you trynna say i'm not kind?" i asked looking at her. "no melody you are extremely kind" she gave me a tight lipped smile.

"we've already uncovered you have ptsd melody, can you summarize why again" she asked. "we do this everytime though" i closed my eyes trying not to be rude.

"something about my mom dying" i answered seeing she wasn't gonna let me skip the answer. "i'll take it for now" she started writing.

"back to what we were talking about originally" she clasped her hands together placing them on her lap. "melody you have this- urge- to make people feel comforted even when you don't know the first thing about them, you treat them with lots of care even if they treat you horrible" she said making me nod realizing it true.

"you feel attached to people you never spoke a word too. and yes it's common for many people but your behavior was triggered by trauma" she unfolded it.

"it's actually a disorder, not very common to people suffering with post traumatic stress disorder but it's possible. most people with ptsd usually shut people out their life, when you welcome them in" she nodded not letting me speak.

"it's treatable though, with lots of hard work and dedication. but usually it's gone by the time your an full adult with the right help" she said

"what this disorder called" i leaned foward placing my elbows on my knees.

Disinhibited social engagement disorder

Disinhibited social engagement disorder(DSED)

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