Team Slayer

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That morning I wake up to find Natsu gone. Then I hear noise in the kitchen I walk tords the kitchen rubbing my eyes. I peek in and it looked like Natsu was trying to make breakfast. I then walk in and Natsu, with his awesome hearing, turns around and he smiles.
"You need any help Natsu?" I ask.
"No I'm good you go get ready so we can go to the guild soon."
" Ok thanks Natsu."I grab my things and walk into the bathroom and close the door behind me. I fill up the tub and soak in the warmth. I them but on my outfit shoes and dry/straten my hair. I walk up all awake and read to get the day going. I walk into the bed room and see the table all set up with pancakes eggs and some kind of meat. I walk over and sit down. I see a note it says,
Hey Skittles Happy and I went to the store to get something we will be back in about ten minutes or so. That will depend on if Happy can hurry. He takes forever. Hey no I dont! Well what ever see you soon. Oh and go ahead and eat we ate without you. Sorry see you soon
I set aside the note and dig in it takes me about five minutes to finish and I clean up and sit on his bed. I look out the window, and what do ya know there a rainbow right outside. Now it was time for the real meal. I jump um into the air and surf the light all the way up to the rainbow. Then I eat it all of it. I loom down and there they are. Natsu and Happy with there mouths open wide. So I surf on down and jump off light pad.
"So you really do eat rainbows then!" Yells Happy. I giggle and nod.
"I also van eat all kinds of light ad well."
"Well anyway we are done so let's head to the guild." Natsu exclames.
So we walk and as we are within a mile away Natsu stops. He terns and says,
"You and I should for our own team within the guild!"
"Ya that would be awesome!" Yells Happy.
"I would love too Natsu!" I yell with joy.
"We shall be called"
"Team Slayer!" As I interrupt Natsu."Sorry but sence we are both dragon slayers I though it would make a god name if not th thats"
Natsu then puts his finger to my lips to quiet me.
"That sounds great Skittles! We are the unstoppable Team Slayer!" I smile with joy. Not only did I have a new guild to call home and a new friend to help me threw the hard times. My life was felling perfect as we ran for the guild. But soon life would grow cold and full of pain and sorrow.

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