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" Talking "
" Thinking "
" whispering "

In a village in the mountains a boy named Bell Cranel was helping his Grandpa gather berries for dinner

Bell Pov

" Bell come own we don't want you aunt getting angry " Granpa said as he started walking down the mountain

" Ok grandpa I'm coming " i said as I quickly ran to catch up with him

" Bell let's hustle it's turning dark " grandpa said as we picked up speed we soon reached a cabin where there was a silver haired woman cooking

" Auntie! " I shouted as the woman turned and smiled as I jumped into her arms

" Hello bell " she said as we hugged each other

" Hello Alfia " Grandpa said as auntie smiled

" Hello Zeus " auntie said as she put me down

" Auntie we got lots of berries for dinner " i said as i brought her a basket making her smile

" Thank you bell why don't you go wash up dinner will be ready soon " auntie said as she took the basket as i quickly ran off to wash up

Alfia Pov

" What am I gonna do with him " I thought as bell went upstairs to wash up

" Alfia we have to send him away tomorrow " Zeus said as a tear ran down my cheek

" I know it's just that he is my only familia left but I hope I meat him in orario " i said as I started crying as I finished the food

" i know but since I'm going back to heaven you have to go join another familia to be strong enough to protect him but we only have enough money for one person " Zeus said as I sighed as I put some food on a plate for bell

" I know that's why I'm gonna be barely eating on the way there so bell can survive " i said as Zeus put a hand on my shoulder

" You know he won't let you do that " Zeus said as i chuckeld

" He is so sweet and caring that's he doesn't notice that he is already a hero " i said as i wiped my tears as bell came back down stairs

Bell Pov

" Bell great timing dinner just finished " auntie said as I noticed that her eyes were red and that she had lines going down her face

" Auntie were you crying " I asked as she looked a bit wide eyed

" no bell I wasn't " she said but I knew it was a lie

" what's wrong I know you were crying " i said as I walked over and hugged her As she started tearing up

" I think it's time we told you " she said as I felt her tears hit my back as they explained that I had to leave and that grandpa was going back to heaven

" oh... " I said as I hugged auntie and grandpa

" it's ok auntie we will succeed " i said as she smiled and hugged me tighter

" well we should eat our food before it gets cold " auntie said as we went and ate dinner and headed to bed

4 hours later

I was awoken to a loud explosion as I rushed down stairs and outside I saw the village on fire as I rushed over I saw auntie about to be killed by a bandit as I rushed over

" LET HER GO " i shouted as i tackled the guy making him drop his knife as i started punching his face but it had no effect as he just kicked me off of him into a tree

" Bell Run " auntie weakly said getting up as she picked up the knife as the guy got up and quickly took the knife back and stabbed her with it

" NO! " I shouted as I got up and tackled the guy again as I took the knife and repeatedly stabbed him

" DIE DIE DIE! " I kept saying as I kept stabbing him put I felt a hand on my shoulder as I saw auntie standing there holding her stomach

" bell you got him " she said as I hugged her and balled my eyes out as she hugged me back with her free arm

Our moment was interrupted by another bandit kicking me away as I hit another tree as he stabbed auntie as she fell to the ground motionless

" n-no No No NOOOOO! " I shouted as got up and tried tackling the guy but he just planted my face into the ground

" You should learn to shut up weakling now where is Zeus " the guy said as I got a good look at him he had ears and a tail with grayish white fur and paint on his face

" I won't ask again Where is ZUES " he said forcing my head into the ground more as he looked down on me

" You won't talk then fine die like that slut " he said as he stomped on my head as every thing went black

[You Have Earned The Right To Become A Player]

" w-who said that " I thought as I looked around in the dark black Abyss around me as I saw a screen appear in my vision

[You Have Earned The Right To Become A Player
Will You Accept]

" what's a player " I thought as the screen shifted

[You Don't Have Much Time Left If You Refuse
Your Heart Will Stop In 0.2 Seconds
Will You Accpet]

" A Second chance i Will take it " I thought as the screen shifted again

[Welcome Player]

As it said that a light started shining as I woke up on the ground as I saw I auntie on the ground not moving

" a-auntie " i said as i rushed over and noticed she was alive which made me sigh in relief as her eyes opens

" auntie we got to get you medical attention " i said as she put her hand on my cheek

" it's to late bell " she said as tears started coming out of my eyes

" Don't say that we can save you " i said as I heard walking behind me as I grabbed a knife on the ground and turned and saw a green haired elf walking over

" kid I don't want any trouble I'm just gonna heal her " the elf said as she slowly walked over with her hands infront of her as I slowly put down the knife as my body nearly collapsed causing me to fall

" KID/BELL! " Auntie and the elf said as the elf rushed over to me as I blacked out

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