Part 7: no man, woman, or child, left behind.

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We started planning for our attempt to save all of the kids, "we go into the east wing, into the CEOs office and living quarters. Then, we *unalive* him. Then, we use Jose to disguise himself as one of the guards, if someone asks, he's the bosses cousins kid and he wants to work there so he's "job shadowing." Then, Jose, has to get one of the key cards for accessing everything but it might not be a big deal because once we've killed the boss, then we can probably find the card in his room or office, which, conveniently, is right next to his room. But we have to make the time right, I've now memorized his entire schedule so that way i know whats going on 24/7, 365, all day everyday." "How though?" Asked Nathan. "Um...I definetly didn't disguise myself as one of his staff and then go through the vents all day and figure out and write down his whole schedule and what he does on a daily basis. In other words, dont check my room." "I'm too scared now." I heard from Alex. "Anyways, when Jose gets access or we do, whichever comes first. We need to get to the testing and experiment rooms, so, from his office, there's a hallway with 2 doors, go through the left one and then go straight until you see the hallway split into 2, then go to the right, then you'll see a lab, find the glass sliding door to the lab, kill anyone and/or everyone that's in your way. Those people need to pay for what they've done to little kids." "Honestly, i dont know about killing those people, they might have families." Alex said. "And? If they were actual parents or not, if you found out your kids or sibling was experimented on her whole life, if by killing the people that did it helps you find or help your kid, wouldn't you do whatever it took to kill them and make them suffer just like your family member did?" "Yea, you're right, that made it sound better get them all." Jose said, who also was adopted. "NO!" Alex yelled. "NO MURDER UNLESS ITS THE CEO." "Fine..." i said, disappointed. "I do want revenge on the person that did the main part of the experimentation on Jessica." "That's fair." Alex told me. "YES!" I cheered. "Do not take advantage of that, I'm only allowing that because its very personal for you guys." "Fair enough." I'd said. "Let's get some sleep and we can plan a little more tomorrow. "Little does he know I know everything about his sleep schedule and he's not actually going to sleep." I said. "STOP STALKING EVERYONE IN THIS HOUSE YOU CREEP!" I heard Alex scream from his room. "NOW GO TO BED OR ELSE I WONT LET YOU GET REVENGE!" I then dashed upstairs and fell asleep.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 18, 2022 ⏰

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