Vampire Knight

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Vampire Knight...

                             Yuuki's POV...

i still remember that night almost 10 years ago when i was almost attacked by a viscous vampire, if it wasn't for kaname i'd probley be dead, kaname brought me to cross academy where i belong to know, i'm a gaurdian of the school it is my duty to protect the students of day class and night class but it is such a hard job to do there is also zero who is also i gaurdian of the school.

Flash Back...

blood why is the snow covered with blood shouldn't it be white "are you lost little girl" i looked to see

a man with red eyes and sharp teeth, yes a vampire the monster of the night the only creature that will kill for fun maybe for blood maybe because they've been order to do soo "never mind you smell you smell so good" he pushed me down onto the cold white yet covered with blood snow "no please don't me" the man laughed at the way his prey was begging for mercy, but then he was gone, there was blood everywhere even on me, was it my blood but i had no wounds.

there stood a man with blood all over him "your a disgrace to all vampires" what did he mean, he turned to look me those eyes they were scary yet friendly "are you alright child" i stared into those eyes that would keep me safe for the rest of my life "come let us go some where safe" i nodded and followed him and from that day on ive always been safe with kaname.

End of flash back...

why i can't i forget about that night almost 10 years go, thinking about it makes me think about why i

can't remember anything before that happened and why i was in the middle of the forest, but if i would to ask kaname why he was there would he answer me or would he just tell me to forget about it, argh i hate this so much keeping me in the dark why won't any one help me to remember my past "yuuki please stop staring into space its not a gd look for you" i jumped nearly 5 feet in the air "zero don't do that you know i don't like it" zero chuckled "sorry yuuki it's just you looked funny, you had your mouth open, what were you doing catching flies" i glared at zero "go suck a donkey" zero burst out laughing "really yuuki, is that your best come back" argh men they are annoying some times "just go back to your post zero, we have a job to do" zero sighed and walked off.

It was nearly time for me to go back in but something court my eye i pulled out artimus and ran straight for the figure in the woods, i was grabbed from behind "now, now yuuki" i gasped what was hanabusa doing out here it's almost morning "hanabusa what are you doing out here" he let go of me and sighed "i just needed some air" hmm something don't seem right "hanabusa what's really going on" hanabusa walked a little bit away from me "kaname won't come out of his room and no of us know why, so i was coming to see if you could get him out of his room" i sighed, i wounder why he's doing that no wonder i aint seen him that much this week "alright i'll come but i can't grantie i'll be able to get him out of his room" hanabusa nodded and i followed him back to night class dorms.

okay yuuki breath, just breath and your be fine "that's his room, i leave you 2 alone" i nodded and knocked on the door "come in" his voice sounded sad and depressed i opened his door and soon as he saw who it was his eyes lighted up "yuuki what are you doing" hmm should i say your throwing a strop and not coming out of your room or should i just say hanabusa is worried about you and wanted me to talk to you, yeah i think the second one "hanabusa and the others are worried about and they wanted me to talk to you" kaname nodded "it's nothing" sigh BOYS MAN "no really kaname whats a matter" i walked over to him and sat down beside him "yuuki you have no idea how i feel about you do you" i shrugged only if you knew my feelings for you "no i don't" kaname nodded "yes you should though" what is he going on about i don't understand this boy sometimes "yuuki i love you" WOAH HOLD UP HE FRIGGING LOVES ME, OOOOOOO i'm doing the happy dance in my head "you love me

kaname" he nodded "yes i do, ive loved you for so long now but ive never shown my feelings towards you" OMFG this is dream it has to be "yuuki you look upset, does my love horrify you" i gasped "what no of course not ive loved you since i first met you, kaname your everything to me with out you i wouldn't be who i am today" kaname grabbed me and pulled me into a hug "it makes me happy to hear you say that yuuki cross" i sighed being in these arms is all i need forever and always.

soooo tell me what you

think :D

i got the idea off vampire knight

and my lil sister who i love

very much :D x x

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